Mommy Padawan offered this topic for Monday Listicles. She actually suggested two topics: gave us an option of writing a LIST ABOUT THINGS WE ARE GOOD AT or THINGS WE WOULD DO IN 48 HOURS WITH UNLIMITED MONEY AND RESPONSIBILITIES.
Initially I was drawn to option two, with ideas of dining out, refurbishing our home, and a sit down with Martha Stewart, but I felt option one was the better.
Not to be modest, but there are a few things I place myself in the exceptional category, and so I offer:
A List of Things For Which I Am Exceptional
1. I plan kick ass parties.
Just look at the pictures: Sunshine, Pirate, Winter Wonderland, & Wizard of Oz. Our wedding was quite the fete and I'm currently immersed in Bridal Shower prep for my sister.
Speechless, right?
From what I'm told and the parts I remember, our wedding was pretty fun.
2. I can parallel park and drive backwards with ease.
My dad was smart. When it was time for me to learn to drive, he passed the buck onto my mother. She grew up in a row house which was situated on a road classified as an alley. Navigating and parking a car was an adventure, and in turn she became quite the mistress of parallel parking and driving backwards. She passed her knowledge to my siblings as well as me.
While my dad still struggles with parallel parking, the three of us are pretty damn good at it.
Thanks Mom!
3. I make cute kids.
Grant it, Bry had some hand in this one, but I'd like to think, since I birthed them and sustained their life for another 13 months breastfeeding, I can take most of the credit.
4. I have a pretty accurate internal clock.
I could, for all intensive purposes, remove the alarm clock from our bedroom because in the event I need to wake at a specific time, I will, within ten minutes prior.
5. I can swim.
It will be twenty-seven years in September, the first time I swam competitively. I still get in the water, and do at least 2500 yards twice a week. While it's nothing compared to my prime (see photo below) I still believe I could beat most people in a race.
6. I can write.
I know I'm not in the Pulitzer category, but I do realize that when I write here from the heart, I get a great response from those in my life, both in the cyber world and the real one.
7. I am good with other people's kids.
This is in reference to my former job as a first grade teacher.
8. I remember things.
Kids' names, play date locations, who wore what to which event: those bits of information permeate my long term memory. If Bry ever does decide to run for Political Office, I know I'll be an awesome partner, whispering names into his ear.
9. I can read quickly.
I don't know if this is a good thing all the time, but being an avid reader, it does come in handy. I learned to read quickly during my short tenure at Catholic School with some individualized film strip quick reading program, and it has only helped me throughout my time in school and beyond.
10. I am social.
I rarely get nervous at events where I don't know anyone. I have no problem speaking to new people. Bry just might disagree and say I am too social, in that I have no problem speaking to new people anywhere- restaurants, sporting events, or even the line at the grocery store.
I'm just nice, and I like to talk.
What about you? What are your Ten?
Link up!