7:35 pm
"Bry, Maevie's coming upstairs"
7:36 pm
Head over feet, head over feet, down she falls. 8 stairs
7:37 pm
"It's okay Maevie, It's okay" I say, bobbing her on my hip.
"Jeanna, it's Bry. Maeve just fell down the stairs. What should we do?"
Get on up, Clap your hands, When you hear the Freshbeat Band.
"I think she's fine, Bry" I say as she claps her hand and dances along.
"No, vomit. No, she's walking okay. Every two hours, wake her." he says.
"Good night Maevie, it's time to go to sleep"
10:10 pm
Text to Dr. Jeanna "When you said 'wake her up every two hours', do you mean shake her wide awake or just jostle her a bit?"
10:30 pm
Shake, Shake, Shake
She stirs.
Thank God!
11:10 pm
"Weather tomorrow looks to be the start of heatwave number 4!"
Wednesday, July 6
12:30 am
Climb out of the bed, creak open the door,
Shake, Shake, Shake
She stirs.
Thank God!
2:28 am
Climb out of the bed, creak open the door,
Shake, Shake, Shake
She stirs.
4:36 am
Climb out of the bed, creak open the door,
Shake, Shake, Shake
She stirs.
6:35 am
The door opens, footsteps down the hall
"Mommy, I awake!"
"Good morning Mo".
6:45 am
"Good morning Sunshine".
Smiles and signs for eat welcome me.
She's fine!
8:29 am
Balancing the basket of towels up the stairs,
"Bry, are you still sleeping?"
8:30 am
Bry yells, "CRAP!"
9:40 am
"Anybody home" the voice yells threw the open windows.
"Grammy!" Mo yells.
10:50 am
"Thanks mom for staying with the girls, especially in this heat!" I say, as I walk out the door.
11:24 am
"Mrs. S, I'll take you back to see the doctor now" the nurse says.
Height, Weight- Oh God, my weight!
11:40 am
The rheumatologist discloses "I'm not quite sure what's causing your pain. Let's take some blood and I'll see you in 2-3 weeks to discuss".
11:44 am
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 vials
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 vials
11:50 am
Ring, Ring, Ring
"How are the girls?
I'm stopping by the photo store to hopefully get the picture enlarged.
10 vials,
2-3 weeks,
2 alleve twice a day." I say.
12:20 pm
"Fifteen dollars to crop and fix the photo to an 8 by 10". she says.
I am thankful.
12:22 pm
Ring, Ring, Ring
"I thought you would call" he says.
"I'm finishing up with the photo. $15 and ready on Friday." I respond.
"What about you?" he asks.
"10 vials,
2-3 weeks,
2 alleve twice a day."
12:45 pm
"One half turkey hoagie- meat, onion, tomato, lettuce, light mayo, & light oregano, one slice of white and one slice of tomato pie. Oh yeah, two plain rolls".
1:15 pm
"Mama, I love white pizza!" Mo responds, as the sauce cakes Maeve's face.
"I'm hoping to leave for your house by 2." I tell my mom. "Thank you again for watching the girls. How's the hoagie."
"They put on a lot of meat, but it's good. I'll meet you there after I let out the dogs at E's" she says.
2:05 pm
As I'm pulling out the driveway, Mo asks, "Why we going to Grammy's, mama?"
"It's too hot!" I say since we don't have air conditioning.
2:25 pm
Looking back in the rear view window, Maeve's head bobs as Mo's thumb slowly falls from her mouth.
Nap time.
3:40 pm
Remembering my mom had said their refrigerator was empty, I drive past the entrance to her townhouse community, off to Thriftway.
3:41 pm
Maeve begins to throw up
3:42 pm
Maeve continues to throw up
3:42:30- 3:45 pm
3:45 pm
I pull in front of their house, Maeve smiles.
3:50-4:30 pm
Disrobe, Bathe, Disassemble, Clean, and explain what occurred.
4:40 pm
"She just had a bit of donut and some orange juice" my mom discloses.
That's why it smelled like Dunkin Donuts in my car.
5:30 pm
Off to shop for dinner, and groceries.
6:45 pm
Dinner- sweet potato fries, garlic cauliflower, and chicken cutlets.
7:40 pm
"It's just a little poopy mommy. I didn't wipe good!" she says, as she hands me her soiled panties.
Yes, that's puke and poop now!
8:20 pm
I survived!
8:30 pm
Coffee ice cream with cookie dough pieces.
Should I put on my PJs yet?
8:45 pm.
Ring, Ring, Ring
"You're going to have come and get me. The car died again" he said.
"We just had the alternator fixed a few weeks ago!" I respond.
"Actually, it was three months ago, " he said, "I'm at the pizza parlor".
He can't be serious?
8:59 pm
Into the car
9:56 pm
"Is that a Sicilian pizza?" I ask.
"They felt bad for me" he said. "They know I like Sicilian pies."
10:04 pm.
Back to Grammy's house.
11:02 pm
"Are you sure you want to drive back to our house?" I ask.
He is adamant. "I don't have any clothes here, and to be honest I'm not comfortable when I sleep here. The bed's just not good".
"I love you. Drive safe." I say.
11:24 pm
Lights out.
8:02 am
"Good morning Mama!"

After writing this post on Thursday, I cannot think a post that better sums up "me" right now.
even though i heard everything about your "day" in person, this cracks me up....the way you told it was awesome....yesterday, was a better day =)
ReplyDeleteI was so worried about that fall down the steps! That is a scary thing! I've had to do that wake-up-every-2-hours thing with 2 of my kids. I really liked how you wrote this, though. Very good!
ReplyDeleteWow what a day, I loved the way you told this moment by moment. Great, just great.
ReplyDeleteThis is proof that the everyday can be poetic. It read a lot like a poem to me, the flow, the pattern of the words. I love how you presented it...very unique and just lovely for your reader. I was cringing after the fall down the stairs. Moments like that must be so scary for a parent. Glad she was okay though. The puking and pooping couldn't have been fun either...another one of those great things about being a parent. :)
ReplyDeleteI do think this is a great reflection of who you are. Nicely done, and thanks so much for linking up with L&LB!
Another day in the life....lol That's quite the day you had and quite the scare. I like the way you set it up with the short, quick sentences.
ReplyDeleteYep! You've got one of those frantic mummy lives too! Well written. The short sentences added to the rush.
ReplyDeletePerfect way to describe YOU...hang in there!! As a mother of 4 all grown up, I get it.
ReplyDeleteThe amazingness of moms never ceases to amaze me. Way to keep sane through all that insanity!! Found you via TRDCC