Monday, December 16, 2013


It had been told to me when I had Margo, that time would seem to go faster.  I was warned that the year of babyhood would speed by, quicker it would seem than the first years of her sisters.

I laughed, as I held that new fresh bundle for the first time that December morning.

The sleepless nights to come, the what seemed like endless nursing sessions, and the spit up, oh the spit up! How could this possibly go too fast, I wondered, in the middle of the night?

But alas, before I had time to savor it, we were somehow back to December, planning a first birthday party. 

We had survived, all be it with a lot less sleep, this first year.

Somehow, someway, she grew and she grew and she grew and alas, she became this perfect little person. 

This perfect little person that I get to mama.  

Happy Birthday to our Stinkerella, our Margo Baby!

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