
Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I need this Autumn...

Friday, December 21 is the first day of winter.

Fall started one week ago last Saturday.

I have one season to get myself together.

How fitting that this week Stasha over at the Good Life has asked us to list our Autumn must haves. I do believe that my list will be quite different from many this season. As I check the ticker, I'm looking at under 86 days until baby three joins the mix.

That's 86 days to get my proverbial shit together.

Holy shit, it's less than 86 days until another baby will join the mix, and so I present,

Top Ten Autumn Must Haves 
Ten Things I need to get done before delivery 

1. Maeve's Big Girl Room 
A mom can dream, right?
This just might be the biggest thing on our to do list, I mean actually after birthing this next child. Maeve has comfortably been taking residence in the nursery since she was two months old. At nearly two and three quarters, she still loves her crib. 
She loves the damn crib to the point we have to do some bribing to get her out. 
Our nursery is gender neutral, as we've never found out with any of our pregnancies, so moving baby three in  there requires little change, however Maeve's future big girl room is currently a catchall containing an old double bed, a bunch of framed prints, a wobbly side table, a few pieces of broken furniture, and various clothes and toys strewn over, under, and around said pieces. 
My Sunshine needs a few things. Only a bed, mattress, dresser, book shelf, curtains, and a new paint job. 
Plus, I need to clean out two closets. Check out my pinterest board here. 
Oy Vey! 

2. Take & Pass the Glucose Screening test
Who doesn't like Tang flavored syrupy drinks? 
Hopefully by the end of this week, this will be water under the bridge. 

3. Celebrate our anniversary 
October 7, 2005
Seven years ago I married my best friend. 
What doesn't say happy anniversary better than swim lessons and most likely a dinner at Panera with the girls? 

4. Halloween 
Time for costumes & candy!
God, I love Halloween. 
no really, I do!

5. Thanksgiving

I do believe we're looking at the eighth year Bryan will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner for our respective families. This tradition has been something he both loves and despises. 
Overall , it's about family...and the food!

6. Christmas Shopping
This kid's due date is December 26. 
I'm having a repeat c-section most likely a week before that date. 
Do you know what that means? 
There's no way I will be able to do anything related to Christmas gift giving after about December 19.
That means I need to make my own list, check it twice, shop til I drop, and then wrap like a mother.  

7. Christmas Decorating

I could take it easy this season. 
I could skimp on the decorations, 
screw the cookies, 
and go light on the lights, 
that's not the way I roll. 
I'll be baking probably the night before c-section day. 
Those stockings will be hung by the mantel with care, 
and I know I'll be helping Bry staple the lights on the front porch. 

8. Get a pedicure and prenatal massage
Let's not lie, pregnancy does a number on one's body. My feet are starting to swell and this extra weight I'm carrying predominantly all in front is putting some strain on my back. I need to check the calendar, schedule the day, and relax. 

9. Buy the baby some new stuff

When I was pregnant with Moira, I do believe my baby registry had over one hundred items. I needed or thought I needed a whole lot of stuff. In the end, I do believe a lot of my must haves, ended up being whatevers. 
This time around my list is small:
crib sheets
changing pad base
play mat
pack and play 
and my one bigger ticket item:

10. Enjoy the following:
*sleeping through the night
*having my boobs to myself

*spending good quality time with Moira & Maeve
*dinner out with Bryan alone like grown ups
*did I mention sleeping through the night? 

What does your list for Autumn look like?
What are your must haves?
Link up with Stasha and her Monday Listicles.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Picking up Mo from preschool, she climbs into her car seat and adjusts the bands.

"Can you help me Mama?" she asks.

Having yet to master clipping the belts herself independently, I reach over her sister and safely secure her in her seat.

"You're next Maeve." I say.

Following the same actions, I clip her in and then slam the minivan door shut. Climbing into the driver side, I adjust my weight in the seat.

I let out a small sigh before asking the usual questions, "So Mo, how was school today?"

"Fine. We had a fun day. We saw the school. There also was a fire drill where we walked outside".

"Cool" I respond, "Did anyone cry?"

"Nope. Not this year." she sings.

"Anything else exciting?" I continue.

"Well, Lucy is going to Chick A Lay (chick fil a)  today after school with her mommy."

"How nice she gets to spend some time with her mom."

Usually Lucy is picked up by her grandfather, however on this day, I noticed her mom in line for pick up. A day off for the Jewish holiday, I suppose.

"Well, mom. I told her Chick A Lay is naughty." Mo proudly states. "Then Mrs. M asked what I said."

Oh no.

Since the recent news of Chick Fil A's  contributions towards organizations working to prohibit same sex marriages, we as a family decided to boycott the establishments.

It was hard for the girls, initially as concepts such as equal rights and marriage equality really are not standard in four and two year old vocabulary. Instead, I kept it in rather simple terms.

In our house, when behavior is inappropriate or causes ill feelings towards others, we use the term naughty.

When Mo hits her sister, I explain her behavior is naughty and she receives appropriate punishment.

When Maeve writes on the wall, she is punished and her behavior is labeled as naughty as well.

By not treating all people the same way, Chick Fil A is naughty.

Simple vocabulary for what has turned into a rather hot button topic.

I continue on, and ask, "Well what did you tell Mrs. M".

She shakes her head, "Mommy, you know?"

"Well what, " I ask. "What do I know?"

"Well mommy, you know Chick A Lay is naughty because they don't treat people the same way and that's not right."

"You are so right Mo." I say.

Mommy's little freedom fighter already making waves in preschool.

Monday, September 24, 2012

In My Home

This week Stasha suggested we "look around our home and tell me a list of 10 things". Being the ever clever mom, and besides the fact I am physically and mentally exhausted today, I decided to pawn this one off on my delightful duo.

Yes, friends, this week's listicle is courtesy of a one feisty four year old and one terribly awesome two year old.
Mo and Maeve each present
Ten Things in Our Home.

1. cookie jars
2. plates
3. Maeve 
way to acknowledge your sister
4. bowls
5. new couch
6. my bedroom 
7. potty 
8. I like my Chinese doll. 
9. I like my nightlight.
It is an awesome nightlight. Mobi 
10. I love playing with toys, everyone of my Barbies and my Barbie car too. 
 Moira age 4.5 

1. Barbie
2. Barbie Car
hmm, was someone listening to their sister's list?

3. Bunny O'Bunny
Yes, the hippy dippy looking bunny from Build a Bear.
4. Puppy
5. Monkey
6. potty seat
7. nail polish
priorities for a two year old: toilet & toenails
8. light

um....I don't know. 
Well what's in the kitchen Maeve? 

9. hot dogs
10. jelly beans

Maeve 2.5 yrs. 

So, what are your ten? 

Friday, September 21, 2012


It was 1992. 
We met in homeroom. 
She a "Ku.." I a "La...". 

Twenty Years. 
Happiness that tickled down to the toes. 
Sadness that made my heart ache. 

Twenty years. 
High School
Summer vacations
That in-between time where we're finding ourselves. 
Grown up responsibilities. 

Twenty Years
Senior Week
Summer car rides
Beach days
Birthday parties

Twenty Years
Self Absorbed
Self Aware

Twenty Years
From high school to parenthood, and everything in between. 
What a ride my dear friend, what a ride!

In these Twenty Years,
so much has changed:
my hair color
other friends
our respective locations
to name a few
 but  it has been a long time since homeroom our freshman year of high school,
 but we've been each others constant,
and for that I say thank you.

This September I wish a happy 20 anniversary to my oldest and dearest friend, Ashley!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wedding Withdraw

Within these past five weeks, we have attended three very different festivities celebrating three very different couples as they each tied the knot.

How practically perfect that Stasha declared this week in the Land O'Listicle as the week dedicated to any or all things wedding! 

I will admit, it's been nearly seven years since our wedding, and I still stare blissfully at a few framed photos reminicising about that day. That day, we scrimped, saved, and thoroughly enjoyed!

Taking that as inspiration, in chronological order, may I present: 
My ten most favorite wedding memories. 

1. Aunt Celine & Uncle Jimmy

Do you see me? 
I know that grey tuxedo is a hoot, but I'm there. 
That's me: the flower girl. 
I was completely and utterly enamored with all things wedding when my Aunt Celine asked me to be her flower girl. My dress was lovely. I wore a wreath of flowers around my head, and carried more flowers in my basket. I got to walk with my cousin, Christopher, and I remember thinking that I was so grown up because I was in the wedding. I also remember thinking Aunt Celine was so cool to wear a hat instead of a veil.
2. Aunt Patty & Uncle Dave
I don't have a photo of this one, as they were married when I was in high school. My Aunt Patty is my godmother, and my mom's younger sister. 
Growing up, I often pleaded, "Will you make me your flower girl when you get married?
  Her reply, "By the time I get married Jac, you can be my maid of honor!" 
Lo and behold, when it was time for Aunt Patty to tie the knot, I stood next to her as her maid of honor.
3. Ashley & Chris
Ashley has been my best friend since ninth grade, so her wedding was one of those monumental moments in life, that time where your life is in transition. No longer a college kid, but now an adult. Adulthood dreams displacing those of youth. Husband, house, and kids to come. 
Ashley's father had passed away during college after a valiant fight with cancer. It was not soon after his passing that butterflies often would flutter by, serving as a sign that wherever he was, he was watching. In tribute to her father, after their ceremony, we gathered in the courtyard outside the church. After a short reading, dozens of butterflies were released in his honor. 

4. Steve & Lynsay
This was the first wedding Bryan & I attended after our own wedding, and honestly it was the most relaxed I think I have ever felt. The stress from our own day had long since passed, and being a good two years before having children of our own, we were able to eat, drink, and be merry.  
Plus any day Bry's in a tuxedo is a good day for me!

5. Taryn & Dave
My cousin Taryn decided to have a rather low keyed wedding and reception. Being the oldest of seven, family has always been very important to her, and thus my entire family was invited to the festivities. This included my future sister in law at the time Colleen, and a fourteen month old Moira. We enjoyed celebrating all together and unknown to most of the guests, I had surprise of my own during this time. Maeve was born seven months later!
My mom, Mo, me, my sister Jeanna, & my now sis in law Colleen 

6.  Aly & Rob
If you have children, do you remember the first time you left them overnight? 
Aly & Rob's special day was that first time for us! 
Mo was fifteen months old, and after spending close to twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with her, I was more than ready for some freedom. Aly & Rob's wedding became that solace for me, and Bry too. We partied it up with some of my closest work friends, and spent the night sleeping soundly in a hotel. Waking past nine the next morning was just as heavenly as the cocktail hour where I gorged myself on appetizers the night before. 

7. Colleen & Joey
My baby brother's wedding was everything I had hoped for him, and nothing I had ever imagined. I wrote of my own frustrations over being a grown up in this piece, but there were two key moments that still resonant with me two years later. 
My brother coaxing Mo, a two year old flower girl down the aisle with the promise of a lollipop. 
And then the second memory, his best friend calling from overseas. Mikey is Joey's best friend and in turn the only natural selection to be his best man. Unfortunately, active Naval duty took precedent over his friend's wedding, and Mikey shipped off before that September day. Colleen worked her magic and with the assistance of her cell phone and the DJ, was able to get Mikey to call during the reception. A surprise to not only my brother, but Mikey's parents who were in attendance and all those others who love and miss Mikey. 
Plenty of tears were shared over this memorable moment. 

8. Jeanna & Ian
Not less than four weeks ago, my little sister got married. 
Ever the tomboy, she is more comfortable in sweats and a ponytail. Imagine our combined surprise when she chose this number as her wedding gown.
It's fitted! 
It's strapless! 
And, man, her boobs & ass looked fabulous in it!

Yes, I was maid of honor for my aunt. By as a self absorbed teen, I had no clue all that went into this role. Between the bachleorette, the shower, Flower girl day, numerous phone calls, texts, and emails, I won't lie, it was exhausting! However that day, standing immediately at my sister's side, watching her smile the biggest smile I have ever seen, I wouldn't trade it at all. 
It was worth it!
The Flower girls & the Bride

Of course the lover of all things sweet would have a personalized cake topper!

Okay, so there are only eight. Since I am the author here, I'm taking the last two spots for myself. Number 9 & 10 I'm dedicated to our own wedding. 

My two most favorite memories from our day. 

9. Instead of renting a limo, we rented a trolley for our mode of transportation. Pulling up to the church, I watched my aunt, uncle, and grandmother zip into the parking lot and later a car full of friends who took a half day from teaching made it just in time for the ceremony. As I took one last moment to compose myself,  I saw a grandfather pulling his little granddaughter in a wagon pass the church. She could not have been more then four years old. Looking up to me coming down the stairs, she oohed and aahed as he continuing pulling her up the path. I smiled and waved. As they walked away, I made it to solid ground. It was then I overheard her saying, "Grandpa, I saw the bride! I saw the bride! Doesn't she look so pretty?" 
In that moment I lost any feelings of tears or anxiety and just smiled. 
That smile, that moment set the tone for the entire ceremony and the rest of the day. 

10. Our entire reception. Open bar, fabulous foods, great dance music, and the best group of people period. To this day, we still say we need to save up our pennies to have another party like that one! 

Linking up with the fabulous Stasha and her Monday Listicle

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reality Skewed

I waltz down the staircase. 

Their footsteps follow close behind. 

Lovely pink dress pressed and ready for the day ahead, with white sandals tightened and clean. Her braids flop with each step, as her little sister follows close behind. The full skirt on her dress, bouncing up and down just as her little body does. 

Into the kitchen, we walk. They sit down at the table with breakfast sitting on each place mat. Vitamins, popped into open mouths, as I finish pouring glasses of orange juice. 

"Thanks Mom!" they respond in unison. 

I take a minute to smile then respond, "You're welcome my lovies. Eat up and then we'll take some pictures before school."

"Okay" Mo says, "I'm so excited for school today." 

Finishing their breakfast quickly, cleanly, and with little hesitation, they walk their empty plates and glasses to the sink. 

"Head out and get your backpack Mo!" I instruct. "Maeve go with your sister and we'll take your pictures for the first day." 

Cleaning up their dishes, I hear the cadence of Bryan's footsteps as he bounds down the stairs. Finishing we meet together near the front door. 

Mo holds the sign as the smile fills her face. She poses alone, then with her sister, as Bry eagerly snaps photo after photo of our two delightful little ladies. 

Glancing at the clock, I notice we have ten minutes, and suggest we head out. 

Into the minivan we pile, excited smiles shared between Moira and Maeve, as we travel the short distance to school. 

Interlocking their arms, the girls walk a few paces ahead as Bry and I follow into the open doors, as we prepare ourselves for the first day of four year old preschool. 

How was that for a first day?

Fiction, I say.
It's all fiction!

This year, the calm, the peacefulness, the joy, I would typically associate with back to school was missing in our home. In it's place, plenty of chaos, screams, and even a few tears.

It wasn't pretty.
It wasn't fun.
It wasn't anything I would put in the "proud category".

It's real life like that.

We did make it out the door on time, the only aspect of the above piece that was true.

I did get a picture before we scrambled out the door.

before the start of school.

The pink dress, the braids, and the white sandals were ready for the first day of school.

Mo was not.

I do this to myself, my kids, and my husband. I make myself crazy worried about silly little details and then rush around like a chicken with my head cut off attempting to play the role of perfect wife and mom.

Confession here, I'm not the perfect mom.

I scream too much.

I curse too much.

My patience is thinner than it should be.

My time as mom shouldn't be all chaos and running around with a camera in my hand, yelling at my husband and kids. It shouldn't be rushing out the door checking the clock, in panic mode. It shouldn't make my brow furrowed and my blood boil.

These moments happen but once.

For me, luckily the memory of that crappy first morning before preschool was soon forgotten, as two lovely teachers swiftly whisked Mo away into her classroom. The morning continued to improve with photos of the first day in the hall.

So maybe the first day sign wasn't there, but did it matter?

No. Not at all. Take that pinterest.

Instead of the forced, rushed pose, I got that real smile I melt over. That excited, giddy, joyous face of a kid excited for her first day of school.

That's what I need to remember. Bring out that smile, not the forced one Jac, because that's what she'll remember.

That's what she'll model.

That's what they need.

Linking up with Shell, and her fabulously cathartic Things I Can't Say meme.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hair Care 101

Pushing open the front door, I hear the pitter patter of their feet racing to meet me.

"Mommy, you're home!" they say in chorus, enveloping my legs with their arms. 

Returning from an early morning doctor's appointment, at 8:40 a.m. their pajamas still on, as their cheery faces look up.

"What we doing today, mama?" Mo asks her familiar question as I carefully peel them off and make my way to the empty chair. Easing myself into the chair, I let out a subdued sigh. Twenty four weeks, and my baby bump has seemed to take refuge completely in my belly, my very large belly.

"We're heading to the zoo maybe? And then Please Touch! What do you think?" I ask.

"The weather's looking okay for now" Bry chimes in, the computer screen reflected on his glasses. "Weather dot com says we're due from some rain around noon. Do we risk the zoo?"

Again, I sigh, as I say, "Let's wait and see closer to go time".

Letting my head fall back onto the chair, I close my eyes. As usual, this morning, I woke a bit early in anticipation of this monthly doctor appointment, thus leaving me tired.

I try to rest.

I can feel the small body in front of me, even with my eyes shut. Opening my lids slowly, her face is dangerously close to my own, as she asks, "Mama, can I go upstairs? I need to get dressed."

Mo has a way of doing this most mornings. She seems content. Happily, she'll sit watching Sesame Street or some random episode of Bubble Gubbies or Electric Company, when out of nowhere, she'll jump up and declare the need to change out of her pajamas immediately. She'll pounce up the stairs. The sound of drawers opening and closing will commence and between 5-10 minutes later, she'll return, hopefully robed in matching and weather appropriate clothing for the day.

"Go ahead" I mumble, closing my eyes again.

Some days, Maeve will ignore her sister's odd request and instead, remain seated, milk cup in hand absorbed in her television viewing. However, on odd days, she too will succumb to the appeal of quick and immediate clothing change.

Unfortunately her desire to change cannot be accomplished without the assistance of yours truly, thus whatever I'm doing must be stopped immediately as I follow her upstairs. Together we scour her drawers for  the right outfit for the day.

Two year olds are highly fashionable, well at least mine is.

Heading up the stairs a few steps behind Maeve, Mo's voice echoes, "I need some help matching please!"

I walk into her room to find her stripped down to her panties, holding her most favorite superhero shirt. Supergirl, Wonder Woman, & Batgirl emblazon the light pink shirt. If she could wear it daily, she would.

"What matches with this?" she gestures. Holding the shirt up for me to see. "I have to wear this super hero shirt today. I just have to."

Picking up pink plaid shorts, I hand them to her. "These have all the colors that work, babe. Put them on." Walking over to her bed, I take a seat.

"Yes!" she screams. "Perfect!"

She sits down next to me, as she sticks her legs into the shorts. I reach over and pull her close. Leaning over, I plop a big kiss on the top of her head.

"Dude? What happened to your hair?" I ask. Patting the top of her head with my hands, it feels hard.

"What do you mean Mama?" she asks, those big blue eyes look up to me.

Taking a closer look, I notice her bangs look frozen. Feeling the pieces of hair between my fingers, the hair is crunchy.

"Why is your hair crunchy Mo?", I hesitate before I ask, "What is in your hair?"

"Nothing mommy. My hair's fine." she pleads. Her own hands have found her hair. Running her fingers through the tangled mess, they get stuck and then she pulls harder. With a bit of added force, she finishes.
She continues the act, "There's nothing wrong with me hair."

"Seriously?" I ask. "Do not lie to me Mo. What's up with your hair?"

Mo looks to the door as her sister enters.

"What Mo do with her hair, Mommy? Her naughty?" Maeve asks.

"Go away Shine!" Mo yells, rushing to the door to push her out.

"Hey" I yell, "What's going on with your hair Mo? Maeve, be quiet."

" 'mkay mommy. I get dress. " Maeve adds.

"One minute Shine. Mo, What's up?" I finish.

She looks at me again, and mutters, "I'm sorry mommy." The tears begin to well in her eyes.

"Look, "I start. "You're not in trouble. Just be honest. What happened? Why is your hair like this?"

"Well," she breathes in, then continues, "I put milk in my hair."

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I ask.

"Milk. I put milk in my hair." She repeats. Looking back to me, she attempts to pass a smile, but my own stern face reflects the seriousness of the situation instead.

"Why would you put milk in your hair? Where did you do it? Why would you do it?" I go on.

"I don't know. I was downstairs sitting in my chair and just used my cup."

"Wait, when did you do this Mo?" I ask.

She thinks for a second, "Um, when you were gone. I did it in my chair downstairs when you were at the doctors."

Well, at least this didn't happen under my watch. Bry is the culprit of neglectful parenting on this one.

Go me!

Shaking my head, "Head into the bathroom kid. Let me try spraying some of that dangler into your hair". I say.

We just took a bath last night. This bump makes bath time a little more difficult these days. Leaning over the tub, most days, the belly gets in the way. If I can use a little spray to get things fixed, then that's what I'll do.

Squirt, after squirt I douse her hair with the stuff to no avail.

Brush, brush, spray, spray.



"Looks like you're back in the tub Mo" I say. "Hop on in."

"But my superhero shirt?" she starts. "I wanted to wear it today."

"Um, you can still wear it. Just strip down and hop in the tub. I've got to wash the milk out of your hair and then we'll get dressed. Okay?"

"Okay mama." she says, taking off the clothes and heading into the shower.

Soap, suds, and some showering later, she's all clean.

Wrapping her in the towel, I ask again. "Um, why would you put milk in your hair?"

"I don't know." she says. "I just wanted to try it."

"Well, don't put anything else in your hair. Okay? No milk. No juice. No food, and by the way, don't ever try to cut your hair too! Got it?"

"Got it" she says. "Where's my super heroes shirt?"

We head downstairs as just as Bryan unglues himself from the Internet.

"So what's going on?" he asks.

"Just ask Mo about this one." I say. "But by the way, did you happen to look at her at all while she was sitting in the chair when I was out?"

"Um, yeah, why?" he asks.

"Just wondering. Let Mo explain."

At least she's cute, and there were no scissors involved. 

Linking up with the fabulous Sarah over at Little White Whale and her Good Things Thursday:
Little White Whale

Monday, September 3, 2012

Before Back to School

I'm not going there.

Not yet. 

You'll have to drag me there kicking and screaming. 

I'm not going to back to school yet. 


Mo doesn't start school until Monday, and this last week, Bry is on vacation. One last time we can relax the week after Labor Day as next year someone will be in Kindergarten. I'm holding in the tears as I type that line. 

So, I'm NOT writing about Back to School. 

I'm not participating in this Monday Listicle the way it's meant to be. 

Instead, I'm going to share the plans for these last ten days of glorious summer we have (had) left until we're back in the school grind. 

The First Ten Days of September

The First
After a surprise bouquet of flowers, on this my birthday eve, we shared in a fabulous dinner at the Noodle Store (aka Pho Eden Vietnamese) and then dessert at Kiwi Yogurt with three of my favorite people. 

Already mastering the art of chopsticks

The Second
Happy Thirty Fourth to me! 
Brunch at the British Chip Shop with Bubbles & Squeak and then not one, but two birthday cakes. Dinner with close friends and a new necklace. 
Seriously, I'm almost 24 weeks pregnant. Jewelry is the only safe way to go.

Blueberry Velvet

The Third
Impromptu brunch with friends at a local diner, and for dessert another piece of that deliciously decandant blueberry velvet cake. 

The Fourth
Time to scour the aisles, pick up various things I never thought I needed but now know I couldn't live without, and perhaps score some Swedish Meatballs, all whilst under the guise of sofa shopping. 
in only one word: 
The Fifth
Lions and Tigers and Bears!
Oh my! 
No, we won't be viewing the Wizard of Oz. Instead throw in some Cheetahs, Zebras, Primates, and the amphibian house, and add a whirl around the carousel and we've got a fabulously planned day at the Philadelphia Zoo. 

These photos taken during our last trip in April. 

The Sixth 
One last day to ride the waves, catch some sun, and relax to the sound of the surf. 

The Seventh
Wedding day for my best friends little brother and his beautiful bride to be. Get to pull out the dress from Jeanna's wedding again, and more importantly, this reception, while I can't drink, my kiddos will be safe at home with Aunt Coll & Uncle Jo-Jo, so I get to party like a grown up!

Me & my boobs in my great dress getting my sis all ready for her big day

The Eighth
Who doesn't like to wake up for 8:30 am soccer for their four year old the night after a wedding? 
Um, we do!
Daddy & Mo last year after their last soccer practice
And for good measure, let's throw in a trip to Sesame Place after to see Jack Hanna and call it a day!

The Ninth
Our first school related function occurs during lunchtime Open House where we'll finally discover who is Mo's teacher and who is in her class this year. 

The Tenth 
Time to remake the sign and get the pretty dress all ready, school starts at 9:00!
Last year's first day

By 10:00, the doors will open and she'll come rushing out. Over brunch we'll share the details of that first day and with that summer is over. As on Tuesday the eleventh Bryan's vacation is over and by Wednesday school is back to it's usual schedule. 

I love summer.