
Monday, September 3, 2012

Before Back to School

I'm not going there.

Not yet. 

You'll have to drag me there kicking and screaming. 

I'm not going to back to school yet. 


Mo doesn't start school until Monday, and this last week, Bry is on vacation. One last time we can relax the week after Labor Day as next year someone will be in Kindergarten. I'm holding in the tears as I type that line. 

So, I'm NOT writing about Back to School. 

I'm not participating in this Monday Listicle the way it's meant to be. 

Instead, I'm going to share the plans for these last ten days of glorious summer we have (had) left until we're back in the school grind. 

The First Ten Days of September

The First
After a surprise bouquet of flowers, on this my birthday eve, we shared in a fabulous dinner at the Noodle Store (aka Pho Eden Vietnamese) and then dessert at Kiwi Yogurt with three of my favorite people. 

Already mastering the art of chopsticks

The Second
Happy Thirty Fourth to me! 
Brunch at the British Chip Shop with Bubbles & Squeak and then not one, but two birthday cakes. Dinner with close friends and a new necklace. 
Seriously, I'm almost 24 weeks pregnant. Jewelry is the only safe way to go.

Blueberry Velvet

The Third
Impromptu brunch with friends at a local diner, and for dessert another piece of that deliciously decandant blueberry velvet cake. 

The Fourth
Time to scour the aisles, pick up various things I never thought I needed but now know I couldn't live without, and perhaps score some Swedish Meatballs, all whilst under the guise of sofa shopping. 
in only one word: 
The Fifth
Lions and Tigers and Bears!
Oh my! 
No, we won't be viewing the Wizard of Oz. Instead throw in some Cheetahs, Zebras, Primates, and the amphibian house, and add a whirl around the carousel and we've got a fabulously planned day at the Philadelphia Zoo. 

These photos taken during our last trip in April. 

The Sixth 
One last day to ride the waves, catch some sun, and relax to the sound of the surf. 

The Seventh
Wedding day for my best friends little brother and his beautiful bride to be. Get to pull out the dress from Jeanna's wedding again, and more importantly, this reception, while I can't drink, my kiddos will be safe at home with Aunt Coll & Uncle Jo-Jo, so I get to party like a grown up!

Me & my boobs in my great dress getting my sis all ready for her big day

The Eighth
Who doesn't like to wake up for 8:30 am soccer for their four year old the night after a wedding? 
Um, we do!
Daddy & Mo last year after their last soccer practice
And for good measure, let's throw in a trip to Sesame Place after to see Jack Hanna and call it a day!

The Ninth
Our first school related function occurs during lunchtime Open House where we'll finally discover who is Mo's teacher and who is in her class this year. 

The Tenth 
Time to remake the sign and get the pretty dress all ready, school starts at 9:00!
Last year's first day

By 10:00, the doors will open and she'll come rushing out. Over brunch we'll share the details of that first day and with that summer is over. As on Tuesday the eleventh Bryan's vacation is over and by Wednesday school is back to it's usual schedule. 

I love summer. 


  1. Happy Birthday and enjoy the rest of your time off! We go back tomorrow. I envy you!

  2. OMG...34!!! I could be your uhhhh mother! Happy birthday! :) Better pass your dear ol' mom a BIG piece of that blueberry velvet cake. I am thankful for such beautiful grand-daughters. =D


  3. I am sure that I have something entirely witty and clever to say...but all I can think of is that blueberry velvet cake!! And that I have not been to Ikea in like, forever!! Sounds like a great last hoorah planned!
    Happy Birthday!

  4. Cute spin on the list! Happy birthday, I hope you had a wonderful day =) Judging from the two birthday cakes, I'd loved it ;-)

  5. I agree. I don't want summer to go ever. But as fast as time is flying by the colder months won't last too long. Happy belated birthday and looks like you've got a great week planned. And we spent our Labor Day yesterday at IKEA. Love that place.

  6. Happy happy birthday! September is the BEST month to be born.You look fab in that dress and all those food pics have me drooling.

  7. See with all these amazing days I was totally disappointed by number 10 too! Happy Birthday to you and your stunning boobs!! You look like a million bucks girl!

  8. I think you all need an extra month of summer vacation! Such a busy and fulfilling life! You'll just have to write and blog more whan school begins!

  9. Those sound like 10 perfect days. Happy birthday! Hope it was a great day!


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