
Sunday, September 30, 2012

What I need this Autumn...

Friday, December 21 is the first day of winter.

Fall started one week ago last Saturday.

I have one season to get myself together.

How fitting that this week Stasha over at the Good Life has asked us to list our Autumn must haves. I do believe that my list will be quite different from many this season. As I check the ticker, I'm looking at under 86 days until baby three joins the mix.

That's 86 days to get my proverbial shit together.

Holy shit, it's less than 86 days until another baby will join the mix, and so I present,

Top Ten Autumn Must Haves 
Ten Things I need to get done before delivery 

1. Maeve's Big Girl Room 
A mom can dream, right?
This just might be the biggest thing on our to do list, I mean actually after birthing this next child. Maeve has comfortably been taking residence in the nursery since she was two months old. At nearly two and three quarters, she still loves her crib. 
She loves the damn crib to the point we have to do some bribing to get her out. 
Our nursery is gender neutral, as we've never found out with any of our pregnancies, so moving baby three in  there requires little change, however Maeve's future big girl room is currently a catchall containing an old double bed, a bunch of framed prints, a wobbly side table, a few pieces of broken furniture, and various clothes and toys strewn over, under, and around said pieces. 
My Sunshine needs a few things. Only a bed, mattress, dresser, book shelf, curtains, and a new paint job. 
Plus, I need to clean out two closets. Check out my pinterest board here. 
Oy Vey! 

2. Take & Pass the Glucose Screening test
Who doesn't like Tang flavored syrupy drinks? 
Hopefully by the end of this week, this will be water under the bridge. 

3. Celebrate our anniversary 
October 7, 2005
Seven years ago I married my best friend. 
What doesn't say happy anniversary better than swim lessons and most likely a dinner at Panera with the girls? 

4. Halloween 
Time for costumes & candy!
God, I love Halloween. 
no really, I do!

5. Thanksgiving

I do believe we're looking at the eighth year Bryan will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner for our respective families. This tradition has been something he both loves and despises. 
Overall , it's about family...and the food!

6. Christmas Shopping
This kid's due date is December 26. 
I'm having a repeat c-section most likely a week before that date. 
Do you know what that means? 
There's no way I will be able to do anything related to Christmas gift giving after about December 19.
That means I need to make my own list, check it twice, shop til I drop, and then wrap like a mother.  

7. Christmas Decorating

I could take it easy this season. 
I could skimp on the decorations, 
screw the cookies, 
and go light on the lights, 
that's not the way I roll. 
I'll be baking probably the night before c-section day. 
Those stockings will be hung by the mantel with care, 
and I know I'll be helping Bry staple the lights on the front porch. 

8. Get a pedicure and prenatal massage
Let's not lie, pregnancy does a number on one's body. My feet are starting to swell and this extra weight I'm carrying predominantly all in front is putting some strain on my back. I need to check the calendar, schedule the day, and relax. 

9. Buy the baby some new stuff

When I was pregnant with Moira, I do believe my baby registry had over one hundred items. I needed or thought I needed a whole lot of stuff. In the end, I do believe a lot of my must haves, ended up being whatevers. 
This time around my list is small:
crib sheets
changing pad base
play mat
pack and play 
and my one bigger ticket item:

10. Enjoy the following:
*sleeping through the night
*having my boobs to myself

*spending good quality time with Moira & Maeve
*dinner out with Bryan alone like grown ups
*did I mention sleeping through the night? 

What does your list for Autumn look like?
What are your must haves?
Link up with Stasha and her Monday Listicles.


  1. Congrats on baby #3 and your upcoming anniversary! You've got a busy fall/winter ahead but hopefully a good one!

  2. Congratulations on your 7 year anniversary! And your baby #3! Wowza! Lots going on for you. Maybe I should shut up and stop freaking out about my little to do list. Good luck!

  3. Oh have got a busy schedule coming up. But a brand new baby at Christmas: you cannot ask for anything more special than that. So wonderful. I do hope you get that pedicure and massage for yourself though!

  4. You're one busy mama. I like the last part about sleeping through the night and keeping your boobs to yourself. Bahahaha ... made me laugh out loud!

    1. I'll admit it Bruna, while I breastfed for a year twice, I'm not one of those who love it, nor do I love how ginormous my girls get while breastfeeding.
      I do believe my Christmas gift to myself for 2013 will be weaning this new kid!

  5. OK your Xmas one had me in stitches. The whole reason I have AMazon Prime is because I am in a state of panic a wek before Xmas. I believe in you. Keep checking your list. Also push pedicure/manicure to #1 :)

  6. Congrats on the impending arrival and good luck with the big girl room!

  7. Congrats! I'm really looking forward to Christmas (already), I might as well skip fall!

  8. Dude, relax because you will never get to that elusive end of the list. My last baby was 11 years ago and I'm still waiting for that moment. :)

    I feel your pain though. The above mentioned baby was born in the beginning of December. I spent that entire autumn running a marathon of getting Christmas ready before I delivered.

    We already had a toddler so I made sure Christmas was done right. But the best thing I can recommend? We borrowed an artificial tree for that year. It took that "must get the tree out today because it is about to shed down to the bare branches" stress. The hardest part was getting Christmas packed up that year. I had "help" but it was super interesting unpacking the decoration boxes the next year and by super interesting, I mean super annoying but I can laugh about it now. (I did mention it has been 11 years?)


    1. Oh ellen, I don't know if I can do a fake tree! I really like the idea of the ease, but there's something about that pine smell in the house. I guess I could just get a candle and call it a day?

  9. I would add a couple extra massages and pedis, other than that it sounds like you have it all under control!

  10. Good luck getting it all done and I hope your welcome to the little on goes as smoothly as possible.

  11. Looks like you have a busy fall ahead! We never found out the gender of our babies either :)
    Happy anniversary!

  12. Congrats on all the excitement that fall has in store for you. Enjoy your sleep!

  13. I got an Ergo that you're welcome to have. It. Saved. My. Life!!!!

  14. Oh my goodness! You are going to be so busy! Better start Christmas shopping now! :) And really who doesn't like shopping?


Let me know what you think.