
Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer Rewind

The leaves are beginning to turn. Shades of red, orange, and yellow highlight the surroundings as autumn slowly creeps in. The days feel shorter, as the darkness rolls in earlier and summer becomes a beloved memory.
Stasha at the Good Life inspired us this week to compose our Monday Listicle with Summer as our topic.
So without further adieu,

Ten Battles of the Summer of 2011

1. Our Sanity vs. The Fresh Beat Band in Concert
So technically, the concert at Sesame Place starring Kiki, Shout, (new) Marina, & Twist was at the tail end of spring, but that show in the middle of May really started the summer for us. We waited an hour and half in the drizzle, and then another half hour in our seats.  Maeve tethered to the stroller attempting to free herself from the restraints, while Mo asking over and over, "Is it time yet?". Our sanity on the brink. Thankfully we came with reinforcements. Two juice boxes, a zip lock baggie of craisins, a plethora of goldfish crackers and a few lollipops later: 
 Front Row seats!
Do you see that pigtailed girl jumping in front of the stage?
Yes, that's Mo.
And that wait?
, Worth. Every.Single.Minute.

2. Maeve vs. the Grass
A love/hate relationship evolved with Maeve and our backyard. She loved to run, walk, and play, but the moment she lost her balance and her hands would come near the grass, she would cry. Her hands would tighten into little fists, and she would look up, as if she was in pain. I swear I could hear her subconscious yelling "mommy, please!". Luckily, Maeve's fear of the grass diminished by July, but it made for an interesting beginning to our summer.

Everything is fine until....she falls!
Look at that face!
Complete and utter disgust

3. Mo vs. the Roller Coaster
There is a small roller coaster at Sesame Place. A roller coaster safe for children three and up. With a smile on her face, and a skip in her step, Mo walked through the metal turnstile and onto the Vapor Trail. She seemed happy, eager and excited. She laughed as we took a moment to smile at the camera. We repeated this adventure two more times on two separate visits.
Imagine my surprise when, on our fourth trip she suddenly was terrified.
"I no like the roller coaster mommy." she said as the tears fell.
I don't get it? 
I'd love to be able to share that eventually she overcame this fear,
but unfortunately that never happened.
She says, "Next year, when I'm four I'll ride it."
I'm holding her to it, cause Mama loves her roller coasters.

I know. I know.
I'm way too excited while Mo looks terrified.
 4. Maeve vs. The Sprayground

This summer had it's ungodly hot days. We sought refuge a number of times at the sprayground. Her imagination in full swing, the sprayground park became Mo's private Wipeout arena. She dodged. She ducked. She covered. She weaved. She had to be carried out kicking and screaming.
Then there was Maeve.
Nothing could get her to like the sprayground.
Mo with a smile pasted on her face

No tears on trip 3, as long as she was in my arms
5. Jackie vs. The Heat
It is widely known that I don't like winter. Snow is not nice. While sweaters and warm coats are nice on a crisp fall evening, I hate the gloves, hat, and boots that become necessary in the Northeast when winter storms have hit. I formerly would refer to myself as a summer girl.
Then this past two summers happened.
The heat kicked my ass.
Perhaps it's the lack of air conditioning, or the fact we had to make numerous treks to my parents house a.k.a. Summer Camp for relief, but this summer filled with quite a few days where the temperature hit near 100* was enough.
In the heat's defense, it did provide opportunities for us to visit the local sprayground, YMCA, playdates with one of our favorite families, and spend quality time with Gram & Popsie.

Dinner at Gram & Popsie's during one of our many stays
6. The Kids vs. The Strawberry, Cherry & Blueberry Patches
D and I thought it would be a great idea to take our four little cherubs on a trip to the farm to pick strawberries, cherries, & blueberries.
In the end, it was a massacre.
Read about it here.
I swear the farm will never be the same.

After three hours, this is all we came home with

7. Jackie vs. The Fudgie Wudgie Man

We are very blessed.
My mother in law lives on the outskirts of the beach. At least once a week for the majority of July and August, we head down. Upon arrival to her home, the girls consume a quick snack, we change and apply ample sunscreen, pack back into the car, and head to our favorite beach. This year, my girls became true beach bunnies. Digging in the sand and jumping waves like pros.
The voice could be heard in the distance. He quick cadence, "Ice cream sandwiches, Water Ice, Popsicles" filling the salty air with promises of sweet, cold treats.
I made the mistake of telling Mo about the Fudgie Wudgie Man.
"He's a man who brings a bunch of treats to the beach for people to buy and eat".
Finishing that sentence I knew there was no hope.
My mother in law then continued that while growing up, she always carried money to the beach for Bry and his brother to get their treats.
The Fudgie Wudgie Man became a integral part of our summer conversation.
Mo repeatedly asking with each trek to the shore, "Will HE be there?" and "Do you have money?"
Oh, Fudgie Wudgie man you won this battle!
Her face after her frozen Dora pop

8. Jackie vs. her bathing suits

I have mentioned before that I have some issues with a specific part of my anatomy. My belly area is a hot mess. (Sorry Aunt Nancy Jo, but it is!) If you saw it, you would agree. Short of a tummy tuck, I doubt there is much that can be done for this extra skin.
I brought a fabulously cute tankini from Athleta, thinking the two pieces would camouflage the area.
It does, as long as I don't move or if I'm sitting.
However, that's not happening too much when I'm at the beach with two kids under four.
The only one piece I own, was okay. My boobs were a little squished (not the good way) and the pattern not my favorite, but it worked better then constantly picking up my bottoms.
Next year, I WILL find a good fitting one piece that keeps things in check.

There is no need for a photo.

9. Moira vs. Domonic Brown, Philadelphia Phillie
The poor guy never had a chance.
It was photo day. Citizen's Bank Park was filled with fans and phanatics. Cameras in hand, they called out his name, hoping for that one on one picture. He came over just as she finished with her beloved Chase Utley. Popsie called out his name "Domonic, my granddaughter's a huge fan". Gingerly he hands the small three year old over to the professional ball player and
she loses it.
Poor Mo, and poor Domonic.

10. Our Kitchen vs. Our Bank Account

There were quite a few crazy days this summer. This day was one I'd love to forget.
First, we realized the dishwasher was no longer doing it's job. Upon ordering the first stainless steel appliance, two more unexpected issues came up.

Pretty, Stainless, & Functional
Who knew this was an option?
 The refrigerator went first. When you notice the quiet buzz seems to be more quiet then buzzing, you know something is wrong. Four hundred plus dollars for repairs, dumping food, and five days later, it was fixed.

Just in time for our stove to break.
I cannot make this up.
Having gas, we were able to use the stove top with a lighter, but no oven.
Another four hundred dollars, and five days later, our stove was back.
Honestly, you can't even tell it's fixed.

The only thing that made this worse was when it occurred.
Those days leading up to my thirty-third birthday were quite memorable.

In retrospect, this summer was quite a memorable one, and mostly for the good.


  1. Great post Jackie, just loved the pictures make the story of your summer come alive!

  2. oh my word you saw THE FRESH BEAT BAND LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha my Lovie woulda freaked. this summer was a Wiggles one for us, which she enjoyed, but i'm not sure how she would've reacted that close to Kiki and the gang (even if we- her parents- aren't fans of the new Marina). ;)

    it really was a hot summer though. phew!

  3. So we got one crying about mostly anything adventures, the other one singing being a gruppie and all appliances gone within a week. Sounds like you and my neighbor have a lot in common ;) I love your photos and your summer summary made me laugh. Isn't family life grand?

  4. Holy cow! That is a lot of battles! But I sure did love your pics :)

    p.s. I kind of don't like twitter much at all. But don't tell anyone! It'll be our little secret ;)

  5. Fun list! Your daughter crying in the arms of the Phillies player is priceless. Thanks for stopping by my place today.

  6. I love those pictures!! Swimsuit issues are no fun...and neither is swimsuit shopping ;)
    I love that picture of your daughter with the baseball player...he was such a good sport!
    Great post :)

  7. My daughter has the same bathing suit - the green polka-dotted one - as my daughter!

  8. Looks like a fun summer! Mo looks like she really enjoyed that concert!

  9. What a fabulous summer! My condolences on the appliances though. I swear they hold meetings in the night and decided to all die within days of each other just so they can see if their owners will go insane! LOL Great list!

  10. We had a blast this summer with you!!!!

  11. love all the looks like you had a great summer! I thought my daughter was the only kid who went to the local water park...and come home completely dry!

  12. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Now... is there any of that cake left?

  13. Definitely lots of memories from the summer. My little one reacted the exact same way when she was getting used to playing in grass. She loved running in it till she fell down and then it was the end of her world.

  14. Your summer WAS happening! Great pictures. I particularly like that one with the baseball player. I can imagine my little girl giving the same reaction. Poor guy!


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