
Monday, April 1, 2013


1826 days ago my life changed forever.

It's hard to even remember what my life was like before.

In one day, one major moment, my life, my world changed forever.

Five years ago, April 1, 2008 Moira made her grand entrance into this world. For the long story, click here, while here is the short sweet story.

This face changed it all.

My first born, my dearest sweetest Lovie Girl. 

Confident does not describe her. I truly wish I could bottle up and sell the belief she has in herself. She knows she is faster, stronger, and smarter. No one can tell her differently. 

From that moment she took those first steps just short of nine months old, she has never stopped moving. Kicking a soccer ball. Running laps around the front yard. Hitting the wiffle ball across the lawn. Her athleticism already evident. 

When pregnant with Margo, we again decided to refrain from finding out the sex. Person after person asked if we were trying for the boy for Bryan. The answer was no. We don't need a boy. 

We have Mo. 

I mean that in the nicest possible way. We don't need a boy because all those things traditionally associated with a boy are her favorites. 

Ask her what she wants to be when she grows up and without pause, she responds "A runner girl". Her favorite attire: jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers...well...actually...super fast running shoes. Her best friend asked her mom why Mo doesn't like dresses. Mo's response, "I only wear dresses on the first day of school. the last day of school, and for Church".  

She chooses the Phillies and the Union over Princesses and dolls....most of the time. She loves music, playing with her guitar and ukulele. She loves to sing duets with Maeve, usually drawing from Mumford & Sons or Of Monsters and Men. 

She's easy going, gets along with everyone and seems to have inherited her quirky personality from her mother. She has no problem meeting new people. 

She excels in math already and has begun trying to spell and write. She loves school and can't wait for Kindergarten. 

She's funny, silly, and happy and I feel so lucky I get to be her mommy!

And now, let the party planning commence! 


  1. Wow five already how time flies! Do we get to know her party theme?

  2. I absolutely LOVE that she and my Em are so much alike. What a great post to remember her exactly as she is at 5!


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