
Monday, April 16, 2012

Who's up for a play date?

Stasha, Stasha, Stasha! How did you know I needed some light and fluffy inspiration for this week's listicles?

This week's topic: A list inspired by what she classifies as "Trashy Magazines".

Growing up, while others watched the evening news after dinner, we gathered around the TV for our nightly viewing of Entertainment Tonight. No Time or the New Yorker in our mailbox, in it's place People, Entertainment Weekly, and for some time, Soap Opera Digest. Raised on a diet of pop culture, my general knowledge of celebrity is quite ridiculous, and I blame it all on my mother.

In attempt to refrain from seeming like a nut, and to keep my mommy rep in check, I've decided to broach this topic in the following way.

Six Celebrities I would happily invite over for a Play date

1. Reese Witherspoon

I once read she would have gone to medical school had she not followed the acting dream, and honestly she seems like she's somewhat competent. We'd lounge in the backyard, drinking fruity drinks with umbrellas, a la Legally Blond while her older children would play problem free with my own. 

2. Jennifer Garner

Doesn't she just scream "CLASS MOM" material?
 I mean besides the whole dramatic history of kicking ass as Sydney Bristow in Alias and Elektra in Daredevil and the movie of the same name. (I forgive you Jen, for Elektra), she seems so down to earth. Dare I say, real?   Her children are close in age to my own, so they'd keep each other engage, while we'd talk about her travel, work out schedule and marriage to Ben.

3. Tori Spelling

She loves to craft.
 I love to party plan filled with crafty madness. 
She's got a house full of kids. 
I have two crazy munchkins. 
Sounds like a match made in heaven to me.

4. Amy Adams

She has a little girl a few months younger than Maeve, so up in our playroom, the kids could find refuge, while I could scope out where Amy and her stylist found that fabulous wardrobe I so drool after from The Muppets. Not only is her wardrobe lovely, but the movie's pretty good too. 

5. Alyson Hannigan 

While I wasn't a Buffy fan, I am a hardcore How I Met Your Mother one. Her portrayal of Lily is fantastic. She seems like a fun chick, who'd be interesting to chat in between rescuing our kids' as they climb, run, and slide at the playground. 

6. Maya Rudolph

I know it's normally Tina Fey that gets all the love, but my money's on Maya. She seems like she'd be just the mom I'd want to share a bottle of wine while our kiddos play at our feet. I foresee us spontaneously breaking out in comedic song or brainstorming ideas for skits on SNL. 
A girl can dream. 

Four Celebrities I would hesitate to invite over for a Play date

1. Alicia Silverstone

Frankly, I'd be afraid she'd try to mama bird feed my kids. 
While I sometimes have issues with Maeve swallowing her food before she chews enough, the thought of chewing it for her has never once entered my mind. Never. 

2. Snooki

Not a mama yet, but based off of past wardrobe decisions, I have a fear that Mo & Maeve might look like a combination of mini beauty pageant contestants and waitresses from Hooters. 
Not good. 
Not good at all. 

3. Angelina Jolie

My kids are awesome.
They're really cute and well behaved.
They take good photos.
I could totally see her trying to adopt them. 
Hands off, Angie!

4. Any woman from the Real Housewives series

The fact they are willing to tape their everyday life, including their children, leaves a rather bad taste in my mouth. I wouldn't want my children's lives to be on that side of the screen, for the general public viewing pleasure, for mass consumption. 

Where does your mind go with celebrity as your inspiration? 
Write it down and join in with Stasha & her Listicles!


  1. I like how you did your list! I especially like your first two potential play dates. And can see why some of these women would make you rather hesitant.

  2. LOL - great take on the listicle. I always thought Jennifer Garner would be a real blast to just chill out mommy style with too.

  3. I love your list! I love Tori Spelling and Amy Adams. I'd be afraid of Angelina adopting not only my kids, but also my husband since he's only 32 years old.

  4. Love your spin Jackie!I saw some of your mommy play dates on another list so I think I would be joining you all too. I am sure we are all the same anyway. There are lots of people I meet I would not be friends with, so why think any differently about famous ones, right?
    The Snooki kid outfit made me laugh so hard!

  5. don't diss "Buffy," that's all I have to say - best representation of life in high school EVER. Have loved Alyson Hannigan since those days (but have never seen the new show). Admit to having a minor girl crush on Angelina but think that, er, her forte is probably NOT as mother. That picture of Snooki is priceless, just priceless.

  6. OMG - Angie trying to adopt your kids! Ha! I could see that!
    Loved this post - it was a lot of fun (-:

  7. Snooki? Never, ever, ever, ever!

  8. I'm with you on Jennifer Garner and Reese Witherspoon. But Tori Spelling scares the crap out of me.

  9. Ha! Thanks for the laugh, Jackie. That Snooki picture is too much ;)
    Love your list of celebs you would have over...I didn't know about the med school thing. She does seem like the brainy type.

  10. Love your take on the list. Imagine if you will the conversation that would take place if you has all your nots together. Snooki's parenting tips? I'm laughing just thinking about it.

  11. This is such a fun list! I am in love with all things Maya Rudolph, love. That made me laugh about the Real Housewives and Snooki - out of control! haha!


Let me know what you think.