
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Growing Up

Sometime between the lost sleep, and tears, 
between the tickles and giggles, 
a toddler slowly disappeared. 
In her place an articulate and independent creature, 
filled with opinions, values, and voice emerged. 
Strong and stubborn, 
she knows what she wants. 

Running too fast, 
she falls unexpectedly to the ground. 
I suffocate the hush as I wait. 
Determined and driven, 
she picks herself up, 
dusting off her knees, 
holding back the tears.
Her eyes meet mine, 
as she forces a smile across her face. 
"I'm a big kid now, Mom" she says, 
reassuring both of us that she is okay. 

And when I see her run and play, 
now at four years old, 
I see that bigger kid
and I'm okay too. 

Is there a photo that inspired a story or post? 
Join in! 
Linking up with the fantastic Galit and Alison with their monthly meme: 


  1. Awwww, so sweet!!
    That picture is really great!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes! My daughter is slowly starting to round that corner. I am happy on one hand she is growing and becoming independent, but it is hard transition for me!

  3. I love your poem and the Alcott quote! It's amazing (and sometimes a little sad) to see our kids growing up.

  4. Such a lovely picture, and how wonderful, that she KNOWS she's a big girl now. How bittersweet. Sigh.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Alison, she's known she's been a big girl since she pulled up those first set of panties!

  5. That is a beautiful picture. Those eyes sparkle, even in black and white. Love your poem, too.

  6. The entire post is gorgeous and I am impressed by your poem. I love it, all of it...she is beautiful....that's all ;)

  7. I loved your poem! The picture is perfect! Four is such a big change. My guy just turned four and it seems like everything is new and different.

  8. Oh this, this is stunning.

    (And myheartbestill Little Women!)

  9. Love this picture and the quote. This is framable -- seriously! You can see the wonderment in her eyes.

  10. this is lovely - and that picture and quote are perfect. beautiful!


Let me know what you think.