
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

20 down

Twenty Weeks down, Twenty Weeks to go. 
Kid three is officially:

I do believe a trip to Wawa for a ceremonious pint of the above pictured ice cream is in order for this occasion. 

In keeping with tradition, baby three's gender will remain unknown until delivery. For all those planners out there, (Danielle, Lynsay, Ash) I know it's killing you! 
Take a minute and make a guess. 

And for the record, only 19 weeks 6 days until Christmas. 
That's the joy with a December 26 due date. 


  1. Hahaha!! That's definitely deserve some ice cream :)

  2. Love a gender surprise! Awesome. We found out with our first three, but not our fourth. Wish we'd done it that way every time. Totally worth the wait!


Let me know what you think.