
Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother Knows Best

This week Stasha over at her Monday Listicles  gave us the choice to use the topic, 10 things we wish we could delete. She later confessed it was prevent us, her loyal listicle followers from thinking her cheesy. She did however stray from topic and wrote about Motherhood.

I too am following lead and will dedicate my list to Motherhood as well, and for that I present:

Ten Things I learned about Motherhood from my own Mom

1. It's never too early to plan. Thus it's perfectly acceptable to start Halloween costumes in July, buy Christmas gifts throughout the year, or initiate birthday party theme talk 10 months from the actual day. 

2. Find the right balance between serious and seriously funny. 

3. Consistency is paramount. Give children clear rules and expectations, implement punishments when necessary and reward when appropriate. 

4. Life goes by too fast to worry about the little things. Often they will fall into place and things will work out. 

5. Relax and trust your own intuition. 

6. Money isn't everything. 

7. When all else fails, order pizza. 

8. Laughter is the best medicine. 

9. One can never give enough hugs, and kisses. 

10. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what type of car is in the driveway or the places one's been, it's the relationships that matter. 

Bonus: the best piece of advice from my mother in law:

When you have a baby, she won't know if you're doing it right or wrong, so don't over think it. 
Just do it. 

What pieces of advice were helpful? Who shared them? Any other words of wisdom to share? 


  1. I love this post! Espcially the pizza advice and picture :)

    Thanks for stopping by!


    1. It is true, right? Pizza is always just a phone call away!

  2. Great advice! It's hard not to overthink things sometimes, but definitely important to try not to. And I do think Pizza makes everything better.

  3. I think I love all of these so thank you! But the most helpful one comes from your mother-in-law - the baby doesn't know the answer so don't over-think it! Why didn't my MIL tell ME this way back when I needed to hear it??? (-:

    1. Feel free to share this tidbit Ado. It got me through some trying times early on.

  4. Loved that. Especially your mother-in-law's comment. From one who's oldest is set to graduate from high school that gave me a lump in my throat. When they come to you -- you really have no idea. I guess we all just try our best.

  5. I always end up crying when reading your listicles! Good tears! Love this. I nodded through all 11! A few reminders I need to remember every day! And pizza advice: perfect!

    1. I guess I bring out the best in you, my dear friend!

  6. lovely lovely list. happy mother's day!

  7. Number 1 and number 3 are SO MY MOM!!

    Love your list, and all your beautiful pictures!!

  8. All sounds like excellent advice to me but I have always struggled with number one. I am such a procrastinator!

  9. Oh those are such good pieces of advice! Great pictures, too. Love #4. I always say (but don't always follow *wink*. I try!) that if it won't matter in five years, or five months, or five minutes, it probably isn't worth getting worked up about!

  10. Love your MIL advice. So true. I always try to go with the flow and not over-analyze everything. It seems to have worked so far. :)

  11. What a great list! Love all the pics (especially the one under number 3...I've seen that lip before HA!)

    Great BONUS advice too!

  12. I love that bonus piece of advice. I'll have to remember that for the future!

  13. Oh my goodness. Those photos made me laugh. Love the pizza one and that grumpy face (in time out?) is classic! :)

    1. Of course it's time out, Janice- at the PHILLIES GAME of all places! She works that lip!

  14. great advice - especially the bonus.

    and I gladly announce - it's pizza on the menu tonight kiddos! thank you.

  15. Great advice from your mom! I think the only thing I learned from my mother is that, after a long day with the kids, wine takes the edge off...
    Hope you had an excellent Mother's Day!

  16. You're list is awesome! Pizza makes everything better (so does ice cream!) and I love the quote from your mother-in-law!

  17. Lovely, and I love your mother in laws advice!

  18. Love the balance between serious and seriously funny, that's a hard but important one !Sounds like you had a pretty smart Mamma .

  19. #4 and #10...I need to remember #4 and #10!!!!

  20. Aw, this is sweet, Jackie. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Let me know what you think.