
Monday, March 19, 2012

Socially Acceptable Norms

When you're a kid, life is good.
Truly, you get a pass from society on things like life goals, motivation, and conversation.

This week in response to her four year son's whimpers that being a kid was tough, Stasha inspired us to write of the reasons why being a kid rocks. Having two under four, (only more 13 more days until the big Pirate fete for Mo!) I decided that these chickies get away with a lot just by being cute, and so I present:

Things you can get away with when you're 
under four and cute.

1. Rain boots go with everything 

2. Lollipops = Motivation

3. Bath time is a social event

4. Places like the zoo, Sesame Place, and the boardwalk are you playground. 

5. Adults do silly things, 
like sing about pigs on their heads, to entertain you. 

Laurie Berkner Band

6. There's always a place to nap.

7. Grandparents spoil you and think you can do no wrong. 

8. Silliness is expected!

9. No one gives you a hard time about that cupcake. 

10. Play time is all the time!

Linking up with Stasha and her Monday Listicles. 


  1. Wow, great pictures. I think my favourite one is No. 1, rain boots do go with everything!

    1. 75 degrees and sunny today, and again in rain boots!

  2. Love your list of ten..especially 9 and 10. Being a kid is really great as you get to play all the time.

  3. Love the list and the photos! I especially like numbers 1 and 10. They are so adorable!

  4. oh man, guess what song is in my head now? :)

    1. Seriously, Christina, it's either Laurie Berkner or Fresh Beat on constant rotation in my brain all.the.time!

  5. I want to sit in my rain boots and eat cupcakes all day. growing up sucks. LOL

  6. Great list! We bribe A with suckers & stickers ALL the time! Well when we shop at least, seems that's the time she really wants to show off her personality!

    1. So true Sara! Public spaces seem to bring out their personality quirks!

  7. I love the last photo! You can tell they both have smiles on their faces. And I must say, I miss the days with my older kids when I could bribe them with a sucker. It doesn't hold the same magic when you are 12!

    1. Thanks Stacy. I hoping their sweet tooth stays around for a while, because I have no clue what we can bribe them with when they're older!

  8. I really want some of those rain boots! ;) And cupcakes, and playing all the time...yes please! We'll be right over to join you.

    1. Wouldn't that be such a party, Jen? Rain boots & cupcakes sounds like a great party theme...pinterest anyone?

  9. Hey, rain boots go with anything at our age too! Don't they? And you can bribe me with a cupcake anytime. Love your list, makes me happy as a four year old. Cannot wait to see photos form the pirate party!

    1. As you are well aware, Stasha, the party planning is in crazy stage right now. Off to shop for more Pirate ware today!!

  10. Oh, they are TOO cute. And yay for pirate parties (we've had two already)!!

  11. Beautiful girls!! I love all 10 of your list! :) Yes to, lollipops = motivation.

  12. I love your pictures ... I slacked this week and included NONE.

    Aren't grandparent's great? My kids are so lucky ... I hope they realize it someday.

    LOVE your list!

    1. I feel so blessed Sharon. My parents and my mother in law are super fab with my children, and I agree. I hope my kids realize their luck too!

  13. Ahhh, to not be stressed about a cupcake. Childhood is awesome ;)

  14. Ah, love your list! Silliness is expected for those little ones....I think I should start expecting some more silliness from myself to go along with the kids. :)

  15. I love all your pictures! And rain boots do go with anything :)

  16. Your pictures are fantastic. Love the one of the rain boots and the cupcakes. Adorable girls you have.


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