
Saturday, July 23, 2011


Her small hand reaches up to mine. We walk with a purpose down the boards. Her cadence broken every few steps with a skip.  The excitement builds.
A warm April afternoon.
Easter Sunday.
The unofficial start of summertime, as the boardwalk wakes from it's winter slumber.
Our new Easter ritual, not performed in Church, but rather here, next to the ocean.
The salty air blowing strands of her hair into her face, as her eyes focus on the goal.
Already the year since our last visit has magnified her growth. She was content sitting in the stroller, sucking her thumb, observing, next to her infant sister a mere twelve months prior, but now, the shoulder straps could not contain her.
Around, around, she went.
Up and down and all around on the carousel.
Her fears conquered as she climbed the rope ladder, ran across the bridge, and descended the inflatable slide.
Toddler hood had escaped her sometime in this twelve month span.
Eloquence and fluency had replaced the babble.
Poise in place of immaturity.
Sometime over the past three years She had emerged, not a baby, but a little perfect person.
I held her hand tightly as our bodies navigate the crowd. Scanning, my eyes meet with a barrage of colorful signs.
Fresh Squeezed Lemonade!
We continue on our quest. Our feet fall into a synchronized rhythm as we search.
The giggle meets the salty air, as she spies it and raises her hand.
"I see it Mama!" she yells, "I see ice cream!"

This piece was inspired by the prompt: "Ice Cream!"


  1. its crazy how they grow up so fast!!

  2. You've captured one of my favorite stages so beautifully. I was always a little sad for me losing my baby, but so thrilled for them as their competence emerges and they begin to see themselves as capable. This leaves me wistful.

  3. What a beautiful slice of life. My daughter just turned one and I've been thinking a lot about how quickly a year goes by!

  4. I love icecream, too! Great post. I loved how you captured your daughter's thoughts. Priceless. Stopping by from the Red Dress ;)

  5. Lovely!! I adore how you captured both her excitement and your emotion in this. I could almost feel the childlike joy of discovering the boardwalk...but even more I could feel the bittersweet emotion of a toddler growing up...slowly and yet oh-so-fast. These lines said it all for me!

    "Toddler hood had escaped her sometime in this twelve month span.
    Eloquence and fluency had replaced the babble.
    Poise in place of immaturity.
    Sometime over the past three years She had emerged, not a baby, but a little perfect person."

    Beautiful job!

  6. I could just never understand those who are eager to have their children rush thru their stages and "just grow up". Who would want to miss moments like this?
    Beautiful Jackie!

  7. Such an adorable story. I remember those days with my boys so well. I relish every chance to go back to those memories. Thank you!

  8. Awww, what a sweet post...I LOVE ice cream. Isn't it crazy how much they change in just a few months??

  9. If we could only stall their growing-up at certain points, just to enjoy moments like this...longer!

    Beautiful post!


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