
Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The girls are having their first sleepover at my parents tonight. I know, it's taken long enough and I am over the moon about it!
It's funny when you think about it, motherhood.
There are mamas like me that start out more overprotective. I think being a full time stay at home mama, I had and continue to have difficulty relinquishing control. I am in charge here and handing the reins even for a few hours feels off.
But I'm working on this.
I am realizing now, as I become more comfortable and as my girls become older, I need ME time!
It's not bad to confess that I need time away from diapers and sippy cups. I can have a meal without cutting meat into teeny tiny little pieces and hopefully I can sit and eat. Yes, just sit not get up and down and up down and up and down.
I can have some good quality alone time with Bry.
I can sleep uninterrupted and hopefully late(r).
I can relax a bit and rediscover Jackie.
Spending quality alone time with Grammy & Popsie will be good for the girls. They will be spoiled silly and what else can one expect from grandparents?
I guess it's really a win-win situation.
Bry and I are headed to Baltimore to see U2 with great friends and for the next 30+ hours the only person I have to worry about is me!
Watch out Bono! Mama's cutting loose!


  1. Have fun on your date night. A happy mommy, is a better mommy. We all need some downtime on occasion.

    (stopping by from PYHO)

  2. That's awesome!!! Hope you have a blast!

  3. Have a great time! We all need the break every once in awhile!!

  4. Good for you! Losing yourself is ultimately a negative for your children... and you, of course. I hope you enjoy U2! I walked down the aisle to U2. :-) Fun times.


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