
Thursday, December 8, 2011


In layer upon layer, coat, scarf and glove.
Out the door I'm pushed into snow I do not love.

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

Yet this falls on deaf ear
As my eyes begin to tear

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

My feet feel heavy in my boots,
Down the stairs I slowly scoot.

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

Through the glass a smile I see,
I'm jealous it's her inside not me.

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

In my face, a snowball hits
God, this snow, it is the pits!

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

My hands reach down, a target's in sight,
With a snowball I'm ready for the fight.

I do not want to go outside,
I do not like the snow.

On his head the snow falls
I laugh, then I hear my mom call,

"Do you want to come inside?
Do you like the snow?"


I do not want to go INside.
I LOVE the snow!

5.) Write a poem about a snow memory.
Last January, at the ripe old age of 2 3/4, she hated the snow. At least, that's what she told us. As I bundled her up, layer upon layer, she reminded me she didn't want to go out. I captured this photo moments before sending her out with Bry, after he had shoveled the front path. Quickly her frown turned into a smile. She had a lot of time to enjoy the snow last year, with record snow fall in the greater Philadelphia area.

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. I love this. My oldest was the same way. She was adamant that she hated snow, didn't want to be cold, just wanted to stay in and read or play. And then. Then she got a taste of the ability to throw snow at daddy and connect and to build her first snowman and make snow angels and then it was all but I'm not cold, it hasn't been long enough, the sun IS still up.

  2. My son loves the snow but, when his mittens get wet and he feels a chill he is ready to come inside.

  3. That is adorable. I love the poem. You did a much better job than I did with it! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.

  4. Such a cute poem! I wonder if she's gonna like or dislike the snow this year? I bet she'll have fun if/when it snows again.


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