
Friday, May 27, 2011

Hot Hot Heat

Today is Friday, May 27 the unofficial start of the summer, however someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that summer isn't quite here yet.
We're hot!
Or, in the words of one of my former Kindergarteners "We're sweaty hot!".
We might just be one of the only houses around the greater Philadelphia area withOUT air conditioning of any sorts. We are unsure if our old window frames could adequately balance window units, and we're already saving our pennies for central air for next summer. Until then, we'll just grin and bare it under our ceiling fans.
Last summer I treked to my parents house for a multitude of sleepovers during the string of heat waves. Not that I don't love my parents, but I was sincerely hoping that this summer we could keep the trips to day trips instead. If this weekend is any indication then I think mom and dad should clean out the two spare rooms and get ready for us!
I am attempting to be proactive with this heat. My plan to keep cool the next few days includes the following:
Yesterday we tried out our water table for the first time.
45 minutes of bliss for us all!

I think the sprinkler is definitely calling!

Growing up, a friend's mom used to make pops like this and they were delicious! Guess who got the recipe recently? Thank you facebook!

I think we may have to spring for one of these. There's no way I'm taking two kids under 3 to the community pool alone. Our backyard will have to be our refuge this summer.

Finally, one (or two or three)of these are calling my name. If I can't make to the islands for the holiday, at least I can bring a little island to me!

Enjoy the holiday!


  1. Oh wow do those ice pops bring back memories of my childhood in NY and my pre a/c days. yummy

    I did the whole going to my parents house thing too when the kids were little! Their house was at the beach:)...very convenient!

  2. I can't wait to make those popsicles this summer too!

  3. Those ice pops look delicious. It has suddenly become "sweaty hot" out and it isn't pleasant yet. I popped over from Comment Love day at FTLOB. I'm going to go look at more of your blog now. Have a lovely Sunday! :)


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