
Friday, December 10, 2010


My best friend Ashley offered to take the girls Christmas photos and of course, I jumped on the offer.
Last year, illness and weather prevented us from our photo shoot, but this year nothing was going to stop us. I found an adorable sweater dress & leggings for Maeve and got a coordinating sweater for Mo. I worried that Maeve would not cooperate, or worse that she would cry and ruin it. Boy, was I wrong!
Maeve was quite the ham! I just might turn into a stage mom after seeing these pics. Maybe baby modeling or worse yet, pageants? My girl Maevie is so freaking adorable, if I don't say so myself. I feel like Ashley was really able to capture her well.

Mo was another story. She usually is quite cooperate with pictures. Usually if tell her to say "Chase Utley" instead of "cheese" you can a great pic. This didn't work! Between toys, chocolate chip cookies, and her best bud A, Mo would not look at Ash.

When it was all said and done, Ash did get two really adorable pictures of the girls together.

Now it's time to make the choice, get the holiday cards ordered, addressed, and mailed.
Thanks again Ash!
Ashley Pierce Photography

1 comment:

  1. so amazing! they are beautiful
    can't wait to get our card!! :)


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