
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

All I want for Christmas...

Dear Santa,
It's that time of year where you are inundated with requests for bicycles and dolls and electronics galore, from good and questionably good little boys and girls. The countdown is on, and a mere ten nights from now you will be filling up the sleigh with toys and heading out for the ride of the year. I have a favor though. People have asked what I want this year for Christmas and I am at a loss for tangible things. Sure, an embosser is practical, as would be a mini cupcake pan or a pair or two of pajamas, but what I want is tough. I'm not really sure how much pull you have over these things, but I want my kid potty trained for Christmas.
I would love it if she would stop kicking and screaming, oh the screaming, when I even mention sitting on the potty. I would love it if I could put one of those 15 plus pairs of character underwear sitting in the untouched drawer on her little bottom for the day. I would also love to only have to purchase one box of diapers.
I know this request is really a lot, and I'm guessing, you'll probably be unable to do it. But hey, it's the time of miracles, right? I figured I'd be stupid not to ask.
Oh yeah, I've been a good girl and all that.
p.s. I figure if you can't bring me this, the embosser is fine and I'll just ask the Easter Bunny.


  1. Ha! You and me both! We are going cold turkey after christmas. Can't wait! not.

  2. I just laughed out loud. you kill me. hope you get your wish :)


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