
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Almost Over

It is September 1.
Summer technically ends on September 22, but for all intensive purposes is over after Labor day.
Where did the summer go? More importantly how did my girls get so big?
Maeve is already 7 months old and Mo almost 2 1/2. A good portion of our summer has been spent in the car heading all over the place. Thankfully, we've had the refuge of Bram and Pops' house during those 7 heatwaves. Our many sleepovers helped to keep us cool and entertain Mo.

We've had play dates with good friends.

Lunches at the Pop Shop,

Chick Fil'A,
the diner,
and Friendly's

We've gone to the museum,

the street fair,

the zoo,

soccer games,

and one Phillies game.

We jumped,


went swinging,

and got wet!

Sometimes we played by ourselves,

but mostly we played together.

Along the way, we became beach babies. Spending time with some of our most favorite people down the shore.

Brammie with the bracelets,


Auntie G,

Uncle Steve

Aunt Lynsay

and even Daddy!

Each day we tried to do something different. I tried to get out of the house with the two girls. Maybe it was just to go to the store or for a walk, or maybe it was to visit the museum or Uncle Jo-Jo's new place. Instead of some supersized vacation, each day we did a little something, storytime at the library, day trips to the zoo or beach or museum, visits from friends and family.
In the end, I will remember this summer mainly because it was the first time I did things as a mom of two. Somedays were long and drawn out and HOT HOT HOT! Other days seemed to fly by and before I knew it it was bedtime. As this summer winds down I realize that somehow along the way things just seemed to fall into place.
Was it easy? Not always. Was it fun? Surprisingly, yes most of the time.
Enjoy your last days of summer!
(Mark your calendars now, Memorial Day 2011, May 30 the unoffical start of summer!)

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