
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just a Random Lunchtime

Having two kids is hard.

Having two kids under two years apart is really hard.

There I said it!

Most days are a blur at best. Between nursing sessions and cleaning up spit up, (My kids really are spit up machines for the first few months!) to laundry and walks the days seem to fly by. We (Mo, Maeve, & I) still make it to the grocery store once a week and music together twice a week. That is until 5 O'clock, when I start counting down the hours and then minutes until Bry comes home.
I took a minute, though, the other day just to enjoy my girls during lunch. Maeve really loves the bumbo seat, THANK GOD! and so during mealtime she seems content just watching as Mo and I eat.

Every so often I catch myself thinking about whst our lunches will be like in a few months, when Maeve actually eats or even further in the future when there will be the three of us chatting about our day and a huge smile comes onto my face.

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