
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Maeve's Debut- Part 1 (Labor)

I thought this time around I would be able to avoid the uncomfortableness that is labor, but Maeve had a different opinion. My story is quite comical, if I do say so myself. But honestly, if you know me in real life, this definitely should not surprise you!
Only I would mistake contractions for gas pains while in music class with the Pop Shop...sitting on the hard linoleum floor...playing with shaky eggs. Around 10:30, I noticed I was having some uncomfortable pains in my lower abdomen and my back. I figured, hey, this kid is so low, it's probably just gas. NOPE! As we got home around 11, I noticed that they were coming in 6-8 minute intervals.
Oh yes, coming back home. Did I mention before how we recently had an energy audit performed on our home and then scheduled for various work to make our home more energy efficient? In late 2009, we had a new heater and hot water heater installed, and had our windows measured for new storm windows. Fast forward to January, finally the windows arrive and we schedule the dates Jan. 16 & 19 to add the new storms and add insulation to our third floor. Unfortunately, they need an extra day so Wednesday, January 20 they come back to finish the windows.
I come back from music class-- in early stages of labor -- to three men walking both in and around the inside and outside of my house ripping out old and installing new storm windows. I attempt to keep myself calm while entertaining Mo via various episodes of On Demand Yo Gabba Gabba & the Wiggles. I make the executive decision to wait an hour and really document my labor pains. During this time, Bry calls to check in and I casually mention that I think I'm in labor. He's actually at lunch so he says he'll finish up then head home. I call the OB office who tell me to relax and see how I feel in a hour or so, and call back. Next, another episode of Max & Ruby so I can call my mom to come over to babysit Mo.
Poor Mo!
Her last day as an only child and I spend it mostly on the phone or parading around the living room trying to hide contractions from her. Luckily, she doesn't seem to notice I'm in pain and after the phone calls we head to the kitchen for our last lunch together. I don't eat, but I eat up watching this last meal of just the two of us. She asks me to sing so after countless rounds of "Hot Potato" and "Wheels on the Bus" we finish lunch.
I contemplate putting her in for a nap- but the noise from the workers is too loud and i know she won't sleep.
Damn it, I think! Where is my family? Where is Bry? I notice that the contractions are coming closer now, like 4 minutes apart and so I try to get things together while Mo snuggles up in my bed watching her favorite, Rudoplh the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Finally, Bry calls to say he's 15 minutes away, my parents call to say they're a half hour away, and I finally confess to the one contractor that I'm in early labor so I'm probably not going to be too much of a help at this point.
The look on his face was priceless. I mean, really. How many times have his clients been in labor while he installs windows??? I would guess slim to none.
Everyone gets here, I rock Mo to sleep for her nap for the last time and cry. I call the OB let them know I'm heading to the hospital and off we go.
Well, not actually. First Bry needs to change his pants, then he needs his nasal spray, oh and then once we make it to the car, he realizes he grabbed the wrong keys and has to head back inside for the right pair.
We get to the Admission area for the labor & delivery floor. My mistake was thinking that since i was scheduled for a c-section two days later, they would basically just wheel me back to an OR and take out the baby. We got to there around 2, so I figured baby would be born around 4.
Jokes on me! There really must have been something in the water because, what I learn later on the post-partum floor, is that it seems like everyone and their sister had their babies on or around January 20! They ran out of beds at one point.
Back to my story, as I mentioned before, I thought I'd miss out on the contraction part of labor this time around but NOPE! I spent over 4 and half hours in the assessment area waiting for my c-section. Yup, I made it over 5 cm. dilated, as I felt each contraction strapped to the bed and fetal heart monitor. I managed the first 4 hours with no problem, but the last 35 minutes or so were pure hell. I was in so much pain and they couldn't give me anything.
I should mention that at about hour 2 I was told I was next in line for an operating room- but then bumped for an emergency. (I later found out the emergency c-section was for some woman who tried to be a hero doing the whole "natural childbirth" thing without drugs and pushed for three hours. Lucky me got bumped for her!) Getting bumped pissed me off majorly, and then the pain with that last few hours of contractions put me overboard. I seriously told Bry that I didn't mind a dirty operating room as long as they got me off the bed and upright.
When I thought I had hit the wall, our lovely nurse Katie came in and told me it was time!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new baby! I think it's only fitting that since you went into Labor at The Pop Shop, you and the family should celebrate Maeve's first meal out at The Pop Shop -- on us. Please e-mail me at when you're ready to venture out and I'll set it up. Best wishes to your family!

    Connie Correia Fisher
    The Pop Shop


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