
Monday, November 30, 2009

Reality Check

Have you seen my pregnancy ticker lately?
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
When did I get SO CLOSE to my due date?
I keep telling myself that I have plenty of time to get things together for baby 2. I keep thinking, just get through Christmas and the New Year and then I can prep all the baby stuff.
I used to think that way until I read about my online friend Courtney. We became "online buddies" during our wedding planning days on the knot. We both were planning our weddings around the same time in the same location. After answering each others questions a few times, she discovered that she went to high school with Bry and so, almost 4 and half years later, while we've never met in real life, we pop onto each others blogs here or there.
Just after I found out I was pregnant with baby 2, Courtney also got the news that she was expecting not one but two babies! As I wrote above, I would pop on to her blog to read about her ever expanding belly as I saw my own in the mirror. She posted the most adorable picture of her daughter kissing her belly early last week and I earmarked it as a must take for my friend Ash who keeps reminding me she wants to take some belly pics (covered belly) before baby 2 arrives. The very next day, Courtney posted that the boys had arrived, almost 10 weeks early.
Thankfully they are both doing well and seem to be thriving.
But their arrival kind of hit me with the reality, that could have been me. Grant it, not two babies, but I can deliver anytime soon!
Needless to say, Bry has direct orders that within the next 48 hours he is to bring up the huge Rubbermaid container filled with 0-3 month old clothing, as well as the infant bouncer, swing, and any other newborn stuff, so that I can start washing things.
This mama's gotta get her nest ready for the newest addition!
All the while, please keep Courtney, her two little boys, and the rest of her family in your thoughts and prayers.

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