
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ed.M - My new title!

It's official! Rutgers University has bestowed upon me, a Master's degree in Education. On Thursday, I graduated with my Master's from Rutgers. Not too shabby for a woman 7 weeks post-partum!
I dressed Moira up in her Rutgers onesie and put a bow in her hair to ensure that people knew she was a she.
That didn't seem to manner. I did get the unsure compliment. "Wow! Your baby is so cute!" THis compliment is code for- I'm not sure if you have a boy or girl, so I'll just say your baby to cover my ass. I don't blame people. It's hard when they're this little unless they're wearing pepto bismal pink or a sign that reads "I am a girl!". Bryan hung out with her in the back corner. She was AWESOME and slept for the majority of the ceremony. Seriously, she didn't miss much. I know for a fact, when the keynote speaker was talking Moira was not the only person sleeping there. I'm quite proud of myself for accomplishing all this in 2008 thus far. What else can I do this year? Suggestions are welcome! I am contemplating the Doctorate degree. Dr. Schroeder does sound good, however, I'm in no way ready to tackle the books right now. My reading material of choice now will not be journal articles unless they're from People or Us magazine, and I have a huge pile of Chick Lit which I want to read...that is when my diva daughter allows me!

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