It's official! Rutgers University has bestowed upon me, a Master's degree in Education. On Thursday, I graduated with my Master's from Rutgers. Not too shabby for a woman 7 weeks post-partum!
I dressed Moira up in her Rutgers onesie and put a bow in her hair to ensure that people knew she was a she.
That didn't seem to manner. I did get the unsure compliment. "Wow! Your baby is so cute!" THis compliment is code for- I'm not sure if you have a boy or girl, so I'll just say your baby to cover my ass. I don't blame people. It's hard when they're this little unless they're wearing pepto bismal pink or a sign that reads "I am a girl!". Bryan hung out with her in the back corner. She was AWESOME and slept for the majority of the ceremony. Seriously, she didn't miss much. I know for a fact, when the keynote speaker was talking Moira was not the only person sleeping there. I'm quite proud of myself for accomplishing all this in 2008 thus far. What else can I do this year? Suggestions are welcome! I am contemplating the Doctorate degree. Dr. Schroeder does sound good, however, I'm in no way ready to tackle the books right now. My reading material of choice now will not be journal articles unless they're from People or Us magazine, and I have a huge pile of Chick Lit which I want to read...that is when my diva daughter allows me!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I think I'm getting a handle on this "mom" thing.
Okay, okay, I know Moira is only 7 weeks old, but I feel like I've finally turned a corner. I totally had the "baby blues" those first few weeks. Every little decision seemed so important. I was hyper-emotional. God bless Bry, because I cried over some of the most crazy things. Commercials?!? Deciding what to wear?!? Mother's Day was like a ephiany for me. I realize that whatever I'm doing for Mo, is really the best I can do. I've stopped reading those "parenting books". Really, there's the assumption made that all children are the same. I know, they're not. My kid is perfect, so most of what those books are saying doesn't apply! (HA! Just Kidding!) Really, I think reading those books stressed me out. Now, I'm just kind of doing what I feel is best for Mo. Granted I do ask Bry for some imput too.
On Thursday I graduate with my Master's degree from Rutgers. Graduation is 9 am! This will be the next test for us. Can I get myself, and my baby ready to leave here by 7:30? Wish me luck!
On Thursday I graduate with my Master's degree from Rutgers. Graduation is 9 am! This will be the next test for us. Can I get myself, and my baby ready to leave here by 7:30? Wish me luck!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Our first major outing!
On Thursday, Mo and I had to make the trek to Philly so I could meet with my fantastic hematologist, Dr. Haut. (Aside, I love Dr. Haut and am so sad that he's retiring in June) Anyway, my anxiety about the trip started on that Monday. How would Mo do in the car for an hour? Would I get lost yet again? Would the weather hold up or would I by driving in the rain? Would Mo be able to handle not eating for the allotted time? All these questions and more kept racing through my head.
Thursday comes and I look out the window. Lo and behold, it's raining cats and dogs. Crap! One of my fears came true. I get Mo and myself ready. (Getting myself ready now, post-partum is another post altogether! My body post-partum is really funky right now. Too small for maternity clothes, but too big for my normal clothes. Thank God for Sweats!) We head out to the car. Infant seat- check! Stroller- Check!, Diaper bag w/everything and the kitchen sink- Check!, Gas- NOPE!, Money- NOPE! After taking a detour to the drive through ATM (what a Godsend) and the gas station, we are OFF! Down 295 to Philly! The rain begins to end and by the time we get to Philly, it's all but done. Luckily we get there with only minimal issues. I only missed the turn once. We pull up to the office and drop the car off at valet, and head up to the office. No problems, as I but the infant seat into the stroller. Mo is dead alseep and I sigh with relief.
Again, I love Dr. Haut, but I hate his habit of being delayed. We get to the office and find out he's running about 1 1/2hrs. behind. Are you serious?? What can I do? Mo is still alseep in the stroller, so I pull up a few magazines and relax. I havent' read Sports Illustrated for such a long time. Finally, after about 45 min they take me to get my blood drawn. Mo is still fast asleep in the stroller. *YEAH!* I sit down talk the nurses as they all are oogling Mo. They take four vials of blood and then BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The freaking fire alarm goes off! No one knows at first if it's real or a drill. So, I just keep checking out Mo. She's still asleep. Someone yells, "Everyone needs to get out!" The nurse pockets my vials of blood, as another nurse locks my stroller in the office. Mo is still asleep. Carrying the infant car seat, we hike down the emergency stair case past the shrieking alarms. Mo still sleeps! We go outside and toward the park, as the wind is blowing. Mo is still asleep!! YES! We wait outside for the "okay" for about 20 minutes. I still cannot believe this is happening. Not only did I have to hike down the stairway with a newborn, but my hematologist is also an oncologist, which means there were a bunch of cancer patients getting their chemo during this fire alarm. They had to hike down the stairs with their metal poles and IV meds. That really sucked! Again, Mo is still asleep!
We get back into the building. First they let the patients up the elevator, then the docs, and then the nurses and other support staff. Mo is still sleeping! We wait another 10 minutes or so, and then they take me back for my appointment. Mo sleeps through the whole thing! I'm weighed- and I find I've lost 25 lbs of pregnancy weight! Only 18 left to loose! Everything goes well and I find I can stop the lovanox shots on Friday! YIPPEEE!!
As I get the car from the valet, I look at the clock for the first time in hours. It's already 4:45! Moira last ate at 11:30. She is going to be pissed once she wakes up! What to do, what to do? Knowing that I'd have to contend with rush hour in Philly if I wait any longer, I decide to head home. Questionable call. We make it over the bridge into Jersey when I start to hear the Diva stirring. In five seconds flat she goes from whimper to outright SCREAMS! I'm trying to figure out if I can make the 40 minute drive with her screaming bloody murder. I give in, 15 minutes later when I see Moorestown Mall. I pull into the parking lot, find a space out of the way, get into the back of the car, and whip out the boob! I never thought I'd be nursing my daughter in the parking lot of a mall. While I don't do the full feeding, she gets enough to calm her down. I get back in the drivers seat and make it home!
We survived! YEAH! Hopefully, by July when we go back for my next appointment I figure this out better!
Thursday comes and I look out the window. Lo and behold, it's raining cats and dogs. Crap! One of my fears came true. I get Mo and myself ready. (Getting myself ready now, post-partum is another post altogether! My body post-partum is really funky right now. Too small for maternity clothes, but too big for my normal clothes. Thank God for Sweats!) We head out to the car. Infant seat- check! Stroller- Check!, Diaper bag w/everything and the kitchen sink- Check!, Gas- NOPE!, Money- NOPE! After taking a detour to the drive through ATM (what a Godsend) and the gas station, we are OFF! Down 295 to Philly! The rain begins to end and by the time we get to Philly, it's all but done. Luckily we get there with only minimal issues. I only missed the turn once. We pull up to the office and drop the car off at valet, and head up to the office. No problems, as I but the infant seat into the stroller. Mo is dead alseep and I sigh with relief.
Again, I love Dr. Haut, but I hate his habit of being delayed. We get to the office and find out he's running about 1 1/2hrs. behind. Are you serious?? What can I do? Mo is still alseep in the stroller, so I pull up a few magazines and relax. I havent' read Sports Illustrated for such a long time. Finally, after about 45 min they take me to get my blood drawn. Mo is still fast asleep in the stroller. *YEAH!* I sit down talk the nurses as they all are oogling Mo. They take four vials of blood and then BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The freaking fire alarm goes off! No one knows at first if it's real or a drill. So, I just keep checking out Mo. She's still asleep. Someone yells, "Everyone needs to get out!" The nurse pockets my vials of blood, as another nurse locks my stroller in the office. Mo is still asleep. Carrying the infant car seat, we hike down the emergency stair case past the shrieking alarms. Mo still sleeps! We go outside and toward the park, as the wind is blowing. Mo is still asleep!! YES! We wait outside for the "okay" for about 20 minutes. I still cannot believe this is happening. Not only did I have to hike down the stairway with a newborn, but my hematologist is also an oncologist, which means there were a bunch of cancer patients getting their chemo during this fire alarm. They had to hike down the stairs with their metal poles and IV meds. That really sucked! Again, Mo is still asleep!
We get back into the building. First they let the patients up the elevator, then the docs, and then the nurses and other support staff. Mo is still sleeping! We wait another 10 minutes or so, and then they take me back for my appointment. Mo sleeps through the whole thing! I'm weighed- and I find I've lost 25 lbs of pregnancy weight! Only 18 left to loose! Everything goes well and I find I can stop the lovanox shots on Friday! YIPPEEE!!
As I get the car from the valet, I look at the clock for the first time in hours. It's already 4:45! Moira last ate at 11:30. She is going to be pissed once she wakes up! What to do, what to do? Knowing that I'd have to contend with rush hour in Philly if I wait any longer, I decide to head home. Questionable call. We make it over the bridge into Jersey when I start to hear the Diva stirring. In five seconds flat she goes from whimper to outright SCREAMS! I'm trying to figure out if I can make the 40 minute drive with her screaming bloody murder. I give in, 15 minutes later when I see Moorestown Mall. I pull into the parking lot, find a space out of the way, get into the back of the car, and whip out the boob! I never thought I'd be nursing my daughter in the parking lot of a mall. While I don't do the full feeding, she gets enough to calm her down. I get back in the drivers seat and make it home!
We survived! YEAH! Hopefully, by July when we go back for my next appointment I figure this out better!
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Diva!
Lori, the most fantastic, fabulous, superb, photographer (and mommy to my former students Adam and Jen) came up last week for Moira's first photo shoot. Ever the diva, Mo had total attitude at first. Thank God for the pacifier, or else it would have been a waste of Lori's trip. After topping her off with a quick breastfeeding session, the shoot started, and wow! We got so many adorable pictures! I know every mother thinks their child is adorable, but I honestly hold no bias here, Moira is every bit as adorable as I say she is. There were so many great pics that we are having trouble deciding which one (or two or three) to use as the birth announcement. I will admit, again because I am honest, some of the pics Moira does look like ET.Her head and upper body are so strong that she can hold herself up. However, her limbs are still so thin and head so large that really, she does resemble ET. The rest of the photos are completely adorable! Here are a few of my favorites.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
We survived One Month!
Happy May! Moira and her mommy & daddy survived this first month. I cannot believe how quickly April went by. It feels like forever ago I was pregnant. Moira is still the Diva. You know I'm a loud mouth. Mo defintely got her mama's lungs, especially at 4 am. We're both exhausted, but I've never seen Bryan so happy with someone else, besides me of course. He is so good with Mo. I'm lucky. I have a beautiful, strong, and healthy daughter and a husband who is in love with me and loves his daughter immensely. Everyone keeps telling me that the time is going to fly by, and while I'm praying for her to start sleeping through the night, I'm also trying to enjoy time now with her.