
Who Am I?

Hello and Welcome!
My name is Jackie and this is my little piece of the blogosphere.
As every good thing in life, this blog has slowly but surely evolved.
Intially, when I began over three years ago, I had no clear direction for where I would go, what I would write. All I knew was I had something to say.
And thus, "Confessions of Notwifezilla" emerged.
Having had my first child, begun searching for our forever home, and leaving a career I had worked for some time to facilitate, I found myself overwhelmed. My intial posts are overtaken with these topics. In the moments during naptime or after bed, I share my stories.
Gradually, I began to yearn for more. I discovered other blogs, bloggers, and writing groups.
This blog has transformed and now I consider writing a hobby.
Where it will take me, I have no clue?
However for now, I am just enjoying this ride.

I write of what I know:
tantrums, breastfeeding, date nights, house hunting, education, mommy guilt, pregnacy, body image, Sports, Babies,  self-identity, family, friends, and everything in between.
I write of my life.

I'm doing my best NOT to be a wifezilla, or momzilla, but everyday is a challenge.

This blog is my outlet.
