
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Supercalifragilstic Shindig or two

"Go Big or Go Home." 
This time, we went big at home. 

This year, as Moira turned six, she begged. She pleaded. She prayed for us to invite her whole class to her party. In addition, she could not celebrate the big 0-6 without inviting her other friends and family. 

I am never one to shy away from a challenge, especially related to birthday celebrations. This year, crazy came home as we hosted not one, but two Mary Poppins themed birthday parties back to back. 

Mo has been Mary Poppins' biggest fan since she first saw the movie at 3 years old, and still watches it over and over today. 

We hosted the first party from 11:30-1:30 for fifteen of her Kindergarten classmates. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate, so we were forced to do most of the activities in the house. I hired my two favorite fifth graders to serve as party helpers. 

This seriously is the best $30 I spent!

Our timeline was set, and we stayed pretty much on task. Kite bookmark craft,  pin the bow tie on the penguin, lunch, freeze dance, tuppence toss, Happy Birthday, dessert, and then a Spoonful of Sugar relay. By 1:35 every child was picked up, and by 1:40 the two fifth graders were heading home with pizza, cupcakes and money in their pockets. 

Whereas, we had a much more laid back and less structured party later. Coloring, making kites, pin the bow tie on the penguin, dinner, freeze dance, tuppence toss, Happy Birthday, dessert, and then a Penguin pinata. This second party began at 3:30, and consisted of our family and friends we consider family. 

Overall, this theme lends itself to lots of great decorations, food choices, crafts and games. I do believe we had quite the supercalifragilistic shindigs. 


There are not a lot of Mary Poppins specific decorations to purchase, therefore I created a bunch myself. Using a black, white, and red color scheme we added pictures, and banners throughout the house.

Personalized Mary Poppins T-Shirt
"Practically Perfect in Every Way"
Courtesy of Caramel Designs

Mary Poppins Toy

Guests joined the party at 17 Cherry Tree Lane
Image courtesy of The Artful Wayfarings of Kelsey Carlson 

Finding this image from the Musical, we used this as on the online invitation and on the favor bags. 
Banner courtesy of Shanty 2 Chic
Using precut letters affixed to the window frame, we spelled out supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

For more printable images, check out my Pinterest Board here. 


The children colored then assembled foam bookmarks from Oriental Trading Company

Pin the Bow Tie on the Penguin

I made the penguin out of tag board. The kids took turns attempting to pin the bow tie on the penguin's neck. 

Freeze Dance

Using various scenes from Mary Poppins, the children took turns dancing to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Step In Time, and Spoonful of Sugar.

Tuppence Toss

Inspired from this site,  Moira, Maeve, and I took a piece of white tag board and colored various circles. At the party, the children each received handfuls of pennies. Taking turns, they attempted to toss their penny and make in land in the circle. Each penny that made it in the circle, the kids were able to keep. Those that fell off the board or landed on the white, we returned back to the "bank". 

Spoonful of Sugar Relay

Unfortunately I do not have any pictures from this relay. However, with the large group it was really successful. I split the party into two teams. Using big spoons, which I found at the dollar store, they would scoop from a container of sugar (really it was play sand), run across to the their team's container, dump their spoonful in, and then run back to their team, passing the spoon to the next person in line.

Penguin Pinata 


Chocolate, Vanilla, & Chocolate Chip cupcakes with buttercream icing 

Chimney Sweep Marshmallow Pops

Spoonful of Sugar Cookies

These parties were both exhausting and exciting. 
We had a fabulous time as it was quite a supercalifragilistic celebration.

Find my pinterest board here: A Supercalifragilistic Shindig

Friday, April 4, 2014


I have been MIA.

Yes, I know this.

However, there are posts floating around my brain that need to get out. I will write them.

These stories and observations and party planning successes will again make their way here.

But for today, I need to share about my supercalifragilistic six year old.

Dear Moira,

My lovie girl, my sporty girl, my first baby girl, I wonder if you know how fabulous you truly have become? 

Everyday I look at you and am mesmerized. 

You continue to amaze me as you have become a real reader. I love watching you devour a new book and when you write, I am in awe. You are smart and push yourself to learn new skills. I love that you love to learn and that you love school. 

Still the most athletic kid I know, you have the speed, agility, and strength to go far. More importantly, you have this innate drive to play. Watching you play soccer and softball, brings out not only pride but excitement. I know you are doing what you truly love. 

Your kind heart makes me realize I have done something right. You are an amazing and caring friend and wonderful big sister. (most of the time). Watching you, Maeve, and Margo play makes me so grateful you have each other. 

Finally, Mo I love that you are you. You never seem to worry about what's popular, and instead go with what interests you. I'd love it if you would let me do your hair in something other than a ponytail and I'd like you to wear a dress more, but since those are my only real complaints, I realize I'm quite blessed. 

You are filled with confidence, energy and the right amount of quirk. You are my most favorite six year old in the whole world, and I feel so lucky to be your mom. 

I love you.
Love, Mom