
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Am I too old to play tag?

Apparently the answer is- NO! I was tagged by Christina, a fellow nestie. She blogs about son and unbeknowst, to me also has two other blogs. She tagged me and so
here are the rules:

The rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

So now I have to think of 6 unspectaular quirks of mine....only 6?Hmmm....
1. I don't like coffee. Seriously, don't own a coffee machine, don't frequent Starbucks, Wawa, or Dunkin Donuts. I wouldn't even be able to tell you if I want cream or milk or half and half.

2. I prefer my hair shorter. When I grow it long, it looks straggly.

3. I need to make my bed every morning. Even when I was totally sleep deprived those first few weeks post-partum, the bed was made.

4. I wear the same jewelry basically every day: wedding band, diamond studs, and watch. If I'm dressing up then I'll throw on my engagement ring and a bracelet.

5. I wore glasses in eighth grade to read the chalkboard. Yes, only in eighth grade. Either my eyes magically improved or it was total B.S.

6. One of my wishes in life is to be on the Price is Right or Jeopardy. C'mon on down, your the next contestant on the Price is Right.

My 6 bloggers:

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a difference a year makes!

This time last year, I was packing up my bathing suits and flip flops as we got ready for our much delayed but anticipated honeymoon turned babymoon to St. Barth's. Moira was but a mere spot on the ultrasound as we met with the OBGYN a week before our vacation. We then were off to paradise! Ahh...just a few pics to oogle over.

Yes, it really was that beautiful and fantastic. It was a once in a lifetime vacation. Bryan and I wined and dined...okay Bryan wined and dined, I just dined. We spent most of our time at the beach or swimming in our own private pool.

We ate breakfast every morning on the patio. A breakfast that magically was set up every morning and taken away just the same.

We spent a week in paradise! My only regret was that we couldn't spend more time there. It was heaven. We talk now how in about 10 or 15 years we'll take Moira (and other future children) back to St. Barth's. It's our kind of island. Good food, good people, and good beaches. Not much else to do than eat, drink, and sunbathe.
This is me in St. Barth's. Notice my trendy top, my bouncy hair, and sunkissed glow.

This is me now. Notice the spit laden top, my hair pulled back in a headband, and dark under my eyes. ...Oh yeah, I like this picture better. I have a much better accessory this year!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Look Mom, no hands!

It is official. Moira can sit up, without help. She is such a fascinating little thing. She is so nosy and hates to just lay down. We started putting her on the bed and let her sit up near the pillows. We also noticed she liked to try and sit up in our laps. She also liked to eat her feet in our laps too. About a week ago, she started sitting up on the bed for longer periods of time without falling. So we decided to move her the floor. I laid out her lovely blanket from Land of Nod (Thanks to my friends from WAS who got it for her!) and put a few pillows and sat her down. She sat. She then tried to play and reach for her toys. She fell over a few times, but seemed really happy. After a few tries like that, I did this: She was so happy, that is until she fell immediately backwards and konked her head on the floor about 2 mins after the pic was taken. She started screaming and was not a happy camper.
Bad mommy!
Needless to say, I've come up with a solution. I now sit on the floor and Mo sits between my legs. If she falls over now, no bumps to the head!

Friday, August 8, 2008

She eats!

She spits up.... a lot. I'm not talking a little on my sleeve, or a burp cloth. I'm talking enough to make a "splat" sound on the floor. Enough to require me to change my shirt...sometimes 3 times a day.

We had a nice playdate with Keira and her mom, Marie yesterday. Keira was born 8 days after Mo, and her mom was a teammate and friend from college. Marie told us her pediatrician suggested starting Keira on rice cereal to help with her relux. She said that after 3 feedings, there was a noticable change. I honestly feel bad for Marie. She witnessed first hand, Moira in her spitting up glory. I think she was terrified at the amount of liquid that is spewed out of my daughter's mouth. She did find it amusing when I had to go change my shirt because Moira spit up down the front.

I should also comment that our own pediatrican, Dr. Palsky, gave us the green light to start food with Moira. That is after our appointment on Tuesday when Moira weighed in at a hefty 15 lbs. 15 oz, putting her in the 91%. Her length also is long,, 25 1/2 in. (90%).

After the doctor appointment, the conversation with Marie, oh and Mo spitting up a record 5 times on our new couch yesterday, Bry and I decided last night was the night to try.
LUcky for Moira,I had picked up some cereal at Babies R Us earlier in the week. She did really well, as Bryan actually had an opportunity to feed her. Remember, Mo is breastfed. Up until now, Bryan has bottle fed her maybe 6 times, though he has done his fair share of diapers.
This is from this morning. She would not cooperate with me in the Bumbo seat, so high chair it is! I should also mention that last night she slept from 10-12, Bry was able to get her back down in 15 min and then she slept until 6:15! She fed and then slept until 9:30, which meant I slept until 9. I didn't even hear Bryan leave. I don't know if it's the cereal but keep it coming!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A nice game of pass the baby!

My lovely parents threw a huge get to know Mo picnic this past Sunday. When they asked Bry and I in May if we'd be up for it, my first question was "what would we have to do?". When the response was "just show up with Moira", we were in!

My mom swears that she wanted to have this party so that the entire family could meet Moira, but I secretly believe she had ulterior motives. Because of said party, she was able to get my dad to complete quite a number of home improvements that he has been putting off for the past months. Her living room is now painted the palest most whiteish shade of pink and the back patio has been taken apart and reassembled, all in preparation for the party.
It was a hit! Moira of course, was in a pleasant mood. No one could believe how alert and happy she is. Seriously, she is my child! She was passed around from relative to relative, friend to friend. At one point, I realized I hadn't seen my kid for almost an hour! Lo and behold, Aunt Theresa had her outside passing her to great aunt Ele, while I was snacking in the kitchen. (The roast beef was pretty good!)

I feel really lucky to have such a great set of parents who threw this little shindig, and Mo has a fabulous godmother (Aunt Jeanna) who was partially a finacial backer. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and I especially enjoyed seeing so many people.

When I was little, my parents would throw a Labor Day picnic every year. It was never a small get together. We would have well over 100 people there, granted most were relatives. We'd have great aunts & uncles, second cousins and their children, friends from the swim team, neighbors, and every once in a while someone that we didn't really know, but somehow that didn't matter. My dad would bring out the grille, (that one day) and make burgers and hot dogs. The beer would be in the coolers, the huge tables would be filled with pasta, potato, and regular salads, not to mention desserts like Aunt Celine's cherry cobbler, and always a jello mold (ugh!) would be laid out on another table. There would always been kids running and screaming around. You'd hear some uncle yelling to watch out for the beer cups on the ground, as they played horseshoes. The older relatives would sit and talk about their aches and pains, while the younger kids would take part in one of the many games my mom had up her sleeve- water balloon toss, pie eating contest, pinata. Those picnics every year were my favorite. Not only because it was my birthday. (Hint, hint, send gifts Sept. 2) but also because that was one of the few times everyone would get together. For the most part now, we only see some of these people at funerals.

Sunday brought a lot of those feelings back to me. Even though my family has a lot of hmmm....characters... I wouldn't wish it any other way. Not everyone's parents have 5 or 7 siblings, and ridiculous numbers of cousins and second cousins, and great aunts and uncles with whom to celebrate. Mo is one lucky girl! Not only does she have Bry and I for her parents, but she has all those people who came to the party and so many more to call her family.